Town Hall Essay Instructions

Town Hall Essay Instructions
Any time during the semester, students are required to attend a public government meeting of
some kind. This can be a town hall event, candidate forum, city council meeting, school board
meeting, etc. So long as it relates to governance and is open to the public, it generally qualifies as
a public government meeting. If you are uncertain, ask prior to attending. Document your
attendance in a 2-3 page essay on your experience and submit it online.
As you become more aware of current political affairs through attending class and completing
weekly journals, attending a public meeting allows you to see exactly how government operates
at the level most likely to affect you. Pay attention to issues directly relevant to your city, county,
neighborhood, etc. Here are questions to guide your attendance and your essay.
● What issues are important to you that local government may address?
● What issues seem most important in your local government currently?
● Are your issues being discussed?
● How are local issues being discussed?
● Do you feel represented by your local government?
● Do you believe local government is aware of issues significant to you? Your community?
● What is attendance like?
● How involved is your local community in local government?
With these questions in mind, attend a public government meeting in your local government and
submit a 2-3 page essay of the experience online.
Formatting requirements:
● Double Spaced
● 1-inch margins
● Times New Roman 12-Point Font
Submission requirements:
● Town hall essay due online.

Describe and Define the Issue/Problem.  In defining an issue, you take a position on the scope and seriousness of the problem and identify one or more causes. How do we know that the problem really exists?  How does the problem manifest itself?  What is the severity of the problem and who is affected most? Who and how many people are affected (supply metrics if available)?  What are the various costs of the problem to individuals, communities and the nation?  What are the cause or causes of the problem?  What is the evidence to link the cause to the problem?  If multiple causes exist, identify root and proximate causes. Focus your more in depth analysis on only one or two of the causes. Use numbers and comparisons to help readers understand the problem

Now that you have been assigned an issue, it is time to focus on the research for the project. Policy briefs, or memos as they are sometimes called, differ from typical academic research papers in some respects.  Their main purpose is to provide analysis and recommendations to a limited audience of policymakers and their staffs so that they can make an informed decision.  These people do not have lots of time to do their own research and read long documents.  Therefore, the brief must give the policymaker access to a lot of information in a clear, concise and well-organized fashion.

Part I.  Describe and Define the Issue/Problem.  In defining an issue, you take a position on the scope and seriousness of the problem and identify one or more causes. How do we know that the problem really exists?  How does the problem manifest itself?  What is the severity of the problem and who is affected most? Who and how many people are affected (supply metrics if available)?  What are the various costs of the problem to individuals, communities and the nation?  What are the cause or causes of the problem?  What is the evidence to link the cause to the problem?  If multiple causes exist, identify root and proximate causes. Focus your more in depth analysis on only one or two of the causes. Use numbers and comparisons to help readers understand the problem. (Should not exceed 4 pages).

Part II. Describe and Discuss the Merits of the Policy Alternatives.  What alternative approaches exist for reducing or eliminating the problem or mitigating its effects? Discuss at least two. (The alternatives may exist only on paper or they may have already been adopted by some jurisdictions.  They may be your own alternative or those that you have borrowed from others.)  What steps can the federal/state/local government take to address the problem?  Assess the different approaches in terms of their promise for reducing the problem and their costs and benefits to society.  Which do you think would be most effective and what would be the cost? (some of the benefits and costs may be difficult to quantify and monetize, but should still be noted). (Should not exceed 4 pages).

Part III. Assess Political Feasibility and Make a Recommendation. Choose one or two alternatives and discuss its/their political feasibility.  Would there be enough political support to gain approval of your preferred alternative?  What might be done to gain the support of or circumvent potential opponents?  (For this part of the project you may consider political feasibility at the national, state or local levels.) (Should not exceed 3 pages)   

Page limits do not include list of references at the end of document and any charts, tables or appendixes. PAGE LIMIT SHOULD BE 8-10 PAGES ONLY.

Format and Sources.  Your drafts should be type-written, double-spaced with one-inch margins and 12-point font. Think about how to organize the brief to highlight the important points; I recommend using headings, and you might also use bullet points and lists if appropriate.

Use journalists accounts, reports from governmental sources or advocacy groups, and academic books and journals to research your issue.  Google and Google Scholar are good places to start, but also the websites of LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations, which often have information about issues affecting the LGBTQ+ communities. Cite all sources using the APA citation style. Be sure to cite properly any information obtained online.

Based on this week’s readings and as much independent research  necessary to complete this assignment, answer the following question:   Given the number of people convicted of crimes in the past several  years, that have eventually been exonerated due to DNA evidence, is the  American legal system irreparably biased against defendants and what  changes would you propose to mitigate the effects of those biases?

Based on this week’s readings and as much independent research  necessary to complete this assignment, answer the following question:   Given the number of people convicted of crimes in the past several  years, that have eventually been exonerated due to DNA evidence, is the  American legal system irreparably biased against defendants and what  changes would you propose to mitigate the effects of those biases?

Please adhere to the Guidelines for Written Assignments contained in  the syllabus.  Cite appropriately and include a Works Cited page.

Is American democracy in danger of failing and why? 

Based on the resources for this Module, answer the following question:  Is American democracy in danger of failing and why?  Please undertake as much additional research as necessary in order to answer this question.

Your answer should take the form of two (2) to three (3) typewritten  pages.  Cite appropriately and include a Works Cited page.  Please  upload your paper as a word doc or pdf file.


Taking what you’ve learned from the readings this week, and any other  research they you may need to undertake, answer the following question”

Of all of the possible players in the Grand Conspiracy, who would have  had the most to gain from the Assassination of President Lincoln and  why?


Cite appropriately and include a Works Cited page.



Based on this week’s readings and as much independent research  necessary to complete this assignment, answer the following question:   Given the number of people convicted of crimes in the past several  years, that have eventually been exonerated due to DNA evidence, is the  American legal system irreparably biased against defendants and what  changes would you propose to mitigate the effects of those biases?

Please adhere to the Guidelines for Written Assignments contained in  the syllabus.  Cite appropriately and include a Works Cited page.

Based  on the readings and the Frontline video, America’s Great Divide:  From  Obama to Trump, what factor’s lead to Donald Trump’s election to the  presidency in 2016? 

Based  on the readings and the Frontline video, America’s Great Divide:  From  Obama to Trump, what factor’s lead to Donald Trump’s election to the  presidency in 2016?

Your answer should take the form of two (2) to three (3) typewritten  pages.  Cite appropriately and include a Works Cited page.  Please  upload your paper as a word doc or pdf file.

link to video,

Combinatorics and applications Problem Set 3

Combinatorics and applications
Problem Set 3
1. Let an be the number of ways to tile a 1 × n board with 1 × 1 squares, 1 × 2 rectangles, and
1 × 3 rectangles.
(a) Find a recurrence for an.
(b) Find a simple expression for the generating function P
n as a quotient of two
2. Consider the recurrence an = 3an−1 − 4an−3, with initial conditions a0 = 1, a1 = 2, a2 = 6.
Find a simple expression for the generating function P
3. Let an = 5 · 3
n − 2
for n ≥ 0. Find a simple expression for the generating function
n as a quotient of two polynomials.
4. Find a generating function A(z) such that the coefficient of z
100 is the number of ways to
give change of a dollar (that is, 100 cents) using cents, nickels (5-cent coins), dimes (10-cent
coins), and quarters (25 cent coins).
5. Find a simple expression for the generating function P
n≥1 nzn as a quotient of two polynomials.

Critical analysis requires that you: state/identify concepts, reference and cite sources, provide examples and definitions, discuss/analyze how examples illustrate the concept (or differ from the norm), integrate across course and other academic material, and consider implications.

Part I: Overview of family and family dynamics.  (2-3 pages)

 A.  Review the current family system, household composition, and any other information relevant to the case analysis. Succinctly describe the presenting problem/s as defined by the family (when did it start, who does it affect, what are the beliefs about what caused it, what has been tried to resolve the issue?).

B.  Discuss the central social/cultural characteristics of the family, and use relevant literature to discuss how these attributes are strengths and/or vulnerabilities. Highlight the particular dimensions of the family that would influence your approach to working with the family

C.  Begin to point toward the factors your family therapy model would attend to in this case (e.g. sibling birth order for Bowen, sequences of problems for Strategic, etc.). Use relevant literature to discuss how these family system attributes are strengths and/or vulnerabilities and how the family constellation contributes to, or helps mediate, the presenting problem/s.

Part II:  Analysis of the family through the lens of a family therapy models. (3-5 pages)

  • Apply the material to the family- do not write in generalities about the theories/ models (of course you may include some of that material in order to explain why/ how you are applying the model with the family). Show you understand how the model applies to your
  • Family Therapy Models Examples Include: Strategic; Structural; Bowenian; Solution Focused; Narrative Family Therapy; Object Relations Family Therapy; & Social Learning/Cognitive.

Family Therapy Model – Address the following:

A. Conceptualization

Succinctly describe how the family therapy model would conceptualize the problem.

B.  Engagement

Review strategies that you might use to engage this family system in a supportive relationship. How would you explain the approach you will use to the family? What socio-cultural aspects will you attend to while working on engaging the client/family

 C.  Assessment

Discuss the assessment process and findings.  How would you structure the assessment? Would you be meeting with the entire family each session? What information would you seek? What types of questions would you use? How would you share the findings of your assessment with the family?

D. Interventions

Review interventions that may be used with this client. Select at least two interventions and discuss them in detail.  Explain not just the general ideas of intervention from this model, but specifically how you would use the two interventions with this family directed toward their specific presenting concerns.

 E.  Evaluation and Termination

How would you know the therapy had been effective? What information would guide you in continuing interventions with this family, changing approaches, or terminating services? How would you discuss termination/ consolidation with the family?

Part III Analysis (1-2 pages)

A.  Briefly explain if you believe the model fits with the family’s presenting problem/s, needs, socio-cultural context, and history and why.

B. Discuss any limitations you see in how the model conceptualizes or intervenes in the family’s issues.

C.  Address how comfortable you would be implementing the treatment approach. Where would your challenges and comforts be located?

Family Therapy Case Analysis Paper RUBRIC:

2.5 points  Part I– Overview of client/ family and presenting problems (completeness, succinctness)

15 points  Part II

  1. Conceptualization – A clear understanding of the model and its application is demonstrated.
  2. Engagement- Accurate use of the model’s framework/ Application to the family’s unique material/Attention to socio-cultural material.
  3. Assessment- Application of the model’s assessment approach/ Attention to gathering information that fits the model.
  4. Intervention- Identifying the model’s preferred interventions appropriately/ Accurate description of implementation of the model’s interventions.
  5. Evaluation and Termination/Consolidation- Evaluating goal accomplishment/ Aspects of termination/ consolidation/ Concerns about termination

2.5 points  Part III

  1. Analysis of fit between family therapy model and family needs.
  2. Limitations of the model are discussed
  3. Student’s ability to identify challenges/utilize mode

5 points          Writing

  • Syntax, Grammar, Clarity of Writing
  • References and APA compliance
  • Correct Types of References

Important Considerations

Excellent papers address relevant course concepts, are well-written and well-organized, use formal English, demonstrate a masterful ability to analyze the concepts and issues learned in this course, and show evidence of critical thinking.  Excellent papers identify client’s strengths as well as their challenges.

Critical analysis requires that you: state/identify concepts, reference and cite sources, provide examples and definitions, discuss/analyze how examples illustrate the concept (or differ from the norm), integrate across course and other academic material, and consider implications.


DQ 1: In what scenarios would small group activities not be the most productive instructional strategy for teaching social studies or the arts?

DQ 2: Identify and describe two recommended strategies to incorporate student experiences, cultures, and community resources into instruction in social studies and the arts. How do these strategies increase student engagement?

Danny stared at the cell floor. He’s been in trouble a few times, but this was his first arrest. He reflected over the last few months since his dad left. He’d smoked pot, got suspended from school, stole some cigars, crashed his mom’s car, and resisted arrest.

Write a 3 to 4-page typed double space answer (excluding references, tables, or figures). Please follow the guidelines in the American Psychological Association style 7th edition for formatting your paper

Danny stared at the cell floor. He’s been in trouble a few times, but this was his first arrest. He reflected over the last few months since his dad left. He’d smoked pot, got suspended from school, stole some cigars, crashed his mom’s car, and resisted arrest.

They revoked his learner’s permit, and the DUI charge meant he’d have to wait until he was 18 before, he’d get his license. It probably didn’t matter because he’d likely be in juvie until then anyway. Why did Danny end up here? What can be done?

Criminology is the study of crime with the goal of understanding its causes and developing policies for its reduction. Many mainstream criminological theories focus on the individual and the reasons why he or she chooses to commit a crime or fails to possess the ability to choose not to.

Developmental criminology explains criminal conduct as a relation to changes in individuals over time and their life circumstances, focusing on childhood. This perspective is less about the individual’s ability to choose or not choose to commit a crime, but rather how over time, environmental factors and life events contribute to the path of delinquency and possibly a life of crime.

Several developmental theories of criminology exist, each with a different focus, which suggests that there may be several pathways for a youth to become a criminal. Explain the principles of life-course theories. Pick two of the three developmental theories discussed in class (i.e., General Theory of Crime, Moffit’s Developmental Theory, and Sampson and Laub’s Age-Graded Theory of Social Control) and (1) describe the theory, (2) use the theories to explain Danny’s criminal behavior, and (3) apply the theories to understand what factors might cause Danny to stop engaging in criminal activity (i.e. resistance).

Techniques of Univariate Statistics

Techniques of Univariate Statistics

Choose one major technique of univariate analysis and provide a  fairly complete description of its primary use or purpose. Be sure to  include relevant terms, concepts, assumptions, limitations, and any  other information that will provide a useful review for the reader.


Threats to Validity

Mention one threat to data validity and at  least one possible method to remove, eliminate, or control this problem.

Child Sex Offender Registries

Sex offender registries are found in each of the 50 states. In some states, registries also exist for juvenile offenders. Read the article entitled  Then, write a reaction paper to the article. Do you feel that children should be placed on the registry? If so, under what conditions? If not, why do you feel it is unnecessary? Consider the various treatments that were described as well as the punishments for violating the registry requirements.


Read Case Study 28 (pages. 98-100) in Ashford’s Personality Theories Workbook (6th edition).

  • Use Skinner’s radical behaviorism to explain Joe’s computer competence. How does Skinner’s explanation compare with Bandura’s explanation?