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Criminology Assignment plagiarism free deakin-harvard referencing
ACR202 Criminology Theory: Assessment Task 3 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Question Answer Can I write in first person? Writing in the first person is unnecessary for questions 1 and 2 in this task. Limited use may be employed for essay question 3 but should be avoided wherever possible. Do I have to reference my sources? Yes. Any sources (where there should be at least 12) used must be referenced in-text and also included in an alphabetically ordered Reference List. All referencing should accord with the Deakin Harvard referencing style. Are page numbers in citations only necessary for direct quotes? No. You must always include a page number whenever you paraphrase OR include a direct quote. How many sources does this assessment require? A minimum of 12 academic sources is necessary. What is an academic source? Any peer-reviewed journal article, edited textbooks or books on the relevant topic/theory is suitable for AT3. The prescribed textbook can be considered as ONE of your sources. Recommended readings (and references at the end of lecture slides) can also be used. News, media and open-sourced websites can be included to help illustrate your arguments; however, these sources will NOT count towards your five required sources. Do not reference or cite Wikipedia or other generalist websites, this is not evidence of research and are inappropriate to cite at tertiary level. You cannot cite or reference any unit materials gathered from lectures. You should strive to demonstrate independent capacity to conduct research on a relevant criminal justice policy initiative. What is the word limit? This assessment is 2000 words. We will permit a +/- 10% leeway. Please submit between a minimum of 1800 up to a maximum of 2200 words. Is the Question included in the word count? No, it is not. Is the Reference list included in the word count? No. Are the in-text citations included in the word count? Yes. Do we need a template to submit this assessment? No. Please complete this assessment on a new document taking note of the formatting requirements below. Is there a Rubric available? Yes. The marking rubric is available in the same section you’ve found these FAQs. Do I need a cover page? No. Please DO NOT include a cover page. When will I receive my results/feedback? You will receive your results and feedback approximately 15 working days after your submission. Are there any formatting requirements? Yes. This is a Research Essay and as such you should format your submission appropriately. We have provided a separate guide which outlines how an essay should be structured. This guide is located at the same section you found these FAQs. We request you please: Write with 2.0 (double) line spacing. Font size set to 12 Using a neutral font like Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. Avoid any fancy fonts like Comic sans. Only Submit your work using WORD or PDF formats. What do I do if I need an extension? Please complete the Extension Application Form located on the ACR202 Cloud site under ‘Tools’ as soon as you become aware of an issue which will prevent timely submission. Please also provide supporting documentation as outlined in the Briefing Paper. Late requests will not always be approved, unless circumstances are exceptional or compelling. Who do I contact if I need support The very best place to raise any queries regarding this assessment is in seminars with your tutors. You also raise any general queries on the Assessment Task 3 Discussion thread – these are monitored by staff regularly. For any urgent or private queries please email the Unit Chair directly. What do I do if I have a question that is not covered here about AT3? Please post your question with a clear title in the Assessment Task 3 Discussion thread. A member of staff will respond to your query.
Criminology Assignment plagiarism free deakin-harvard referencing
ACR202 Criminology Theory: Assessment Task 3 Briefing Paper: Assessment Task 3 Research essay Due date: Thursday 7th October, 8pm Length: 2000 words (+/- 10%) Value: 50% of Final Grade ULOs assessed: 1, 2 and 3 You must write a 2000-word essay in response to one of the topics set out below. You can draw from any theories and examples as you wish. However, you must ensure that your essay does not duplicate case studies and materials used in AT2. Your essay must be referenced in the Deakin Harvard Style. A minimum of 12 academic sources is required. QUESTIONS Choose two critical criminological perspectives and discuss how these have issued challenges to traditional understandings of crime and how we should respond to it. Feminist perspectives have saved criminology from theoretical and practical irrelevance. Discuss this proposition drawing on examples and evidence. In the 21st century, many key theorists suggest that criminology should focus more on the concept of ‘harm’ and less on the concept of ‘crime’. Identify two such theorists and provide a brief explanation of their ideas. Do you agree with their suggestions? Grading Criteria The following criteria will be used to assess the essay: Relevance of arguments raised in response to the question (30%) Demonstrated understanding of criminological theory (30%) Essay structure (20%) Writing skills – expression, grammar and spelling (10%) Adequacy of sources and referencing (including quality and range of material) (10%) Sources The Unit textbook and Digital Reading list should be considered starting points for your research. You will need to draw on additional peer-reviewed academic sources to support your arguments. Media sources can be used to help source relevant examples only. We recommend using Australian examples to illustrate how theory applies in practice. You may draw on international academic sources when outlining theoretical perspectives. Assessment General Instructions Submission Information Please submit in WORD or PDF format only. Other formats will be returned ungraded. Please submit your assessment under the “Assessment > Assignments > Assessment Task 3: Research Essay” folder in the ACR202 cloud site. Your submission should be set to size 12 font. Please ensure your work has double (2.0) line spacing. Extensions You must complete an extension request via the Extension request under ‘Tools’ on the unit site and provide supporting documentation (unless this is impossible or impractical to provide and your circumstances are exceptional or compelling). Please note that extensions will only be granted where circumstances are extraordinary or unanticipated. Remember that everyone is impacted by stress related to COVID-19 lockdowns. You must therefore justify in your application why you have been particularly impacted. Note: ‘Special Consideration’ is only required if more than 14 days extension is requested. Relevant information can be found under the “Resources > Assessment > Special Consideration” folder in the ACR202 cloud site. Late Penalties There will be a 5% (2.5pt) penalty per day applied to any assessment submitted late, without a preapproved extension. Any assessment submitted over 5 days late without an extension will receive a 0 ungraded mark. Referencing and word count Correct referencing is essential for this assessment. Deakin Harvard style in-text and reference list are expected. Reference lists don’t count towards the final word count. In-text citations do count. A (+/- 10%) leeway applies for the word count. (E.g.: minimum of 1800 to a maximum of 2200 words permitted without penalty). Questions? Please first ensure you’ve read the FAQ document for AT3. Feel free to post your questions on the Discussion Board in the AT3 Research Essay area. Please feel free to respond to other students’ questions if you know the answer. 3
Criminology Assignment plagiarism free deakin-harvard referencing
Criteria EXCELLENT (HD) VERY GOOD (D) GOOD (C) SATISFACTORY (P) UNSATISFACTORY (N) Relevance of arguments raised in response to the question (30%) You have provided a coherent and concise response to your chosen topic and make strong, clear links back to the topic throughout your analysis. You construct cogent and valid arguments using both reputable and reliable sources and relevant examples to reach logical conclusions. You have provided a coherent and valid response to your chosen topic. With a few exceptions you have made clear links back to the topic throughout your analysis. You make valid arguments using reputable and reliable sources and relevant examples to reach logical conclusions. Your assignment addresses some important aspects of your chosen topic. The quality and depth of your analys is could be improved by more use of examples and by making consistent and clear links back to the topic throughout the dis cus s ion. Your arg um ents could have been made stronger with wider use of reputable and reliable sources throughout the essay. Your argument has dealt with some basic aspects of your chosen topic. While some links betw een your arg um ents and the chosen topic are made throughout your essay, for future assignments you need to ensure that you clearly respond to the set topic using relevant examples and academic research. Your response does not clearly address the essay topic. Relevant issues or counter arguments are ignored or poorly handled. For this reason, large sections of your response are uns upported and s o f ail to convincingly answer the ques tion. You need to draw upon m uch m ore res earch and evidence to defend your analysis in future. Explanations of criminological theory (30%) Your response reflects a clear and sound and critical evaluation of criminological theory and analysis of broader unit concepts . Your response reflects a sound evaluation of criminological theory and broader unit concepts. At times, clearer explanation and use of examples may have improved your a na l ys i s . Your response reflects a reasonable attempt to describe criminological theory and broader unit concepts. At times, clearer explanation and use of examples may have improved your a na l ys i s . More evi dence of reading and research w as needed to s upport your analys is . Your response reflects a solid attempt to describe criminological theory and broader unit concepts . Clearer explanation and use of examples may have improved your a na l ys i s . More evi dence of reading and research w as needed to s upport your analys is and demonstrate the learning outcom es f or the unit. Your response reflects an uns atis f actory g ras p of criminological theory and broader unit concepts . Clearer explanation and use of examples may have improved your a na l ys i s . Much m ore evidence of reading and research w as needed to support your di s cus s i on a nd dem ons trate your unders tanding . S ee com m ents in the feedback box for further details . Essay structure (20%) Your response to the topic is very well organised, including a clear and prescriptive introduction, strong body parag raphs and a w ell def ended conclusion. Your response to the chosen topic is mostly well structured, including a coherent introduction and conclusion, and balanced and w ell- arg ued body parag raphs . While the overall format of your assignment is competent, more work on the structure of the dis cus s ion is needed to allow your a rg um ents to em erg e clearly for the reader. This may include a stronger introduction and/or conclusion paragraph, more well-developed body parag raphs that include reference to examples and/or reference to a more convincing range of academic research. The structure of your assignment could be improved so the line of argument is consistently clear throughout. To improve this, you need to include a clear introduction, logical paragraph structure and a concise conclusion to frame your res pons e to the topi c. S ee detailed com m ents f or m ore specific advice about how to improve. Your assignment lacks a coherent and appropriate structure. At times this made your l i ne of a rg um ent uncl ea r. This has limited your ability to respond to the topic effectively. More careful drafting and planning is needed in f uture. The response did not meet the required standard for this level – see your marked-up document for more details about how to improve your approach. Writing skills – expression, grammar and spelling (10%) This is a cogently written, engaging and easy to read response. You demonstrate high level skills and accuracy with regards to grammar, spelling and expression. This is a well written response to the topic. You demonstrate competent skills with regards to grammar, spelling, expression and coherence of discussion. Mistakes are infrequent. This is a solid response to the topic overall with room for improvement. You demonstrate reasonable attention to grammar, spelling and expression. Mistakes are infrequent but more proof- reading w ould help to identify the few that have made it into your f i na l dra f t a nd i ncrea s e the quality of your w ork. This is a passable response to the topic overall with room for improvement. Greater attention to grammar, spelling and expression will increase the quality of your w ork. More proof – reading and editing w ill help identify the mistakes that have made it into your final draft. Your written response needs substantive improvement. You will need to work on writing skills such as spelling, grammar and punctuation for a higher grade in future assignments. We recommend utilising the Study Skills resources (including Language and Learning Advisors) for help with future written assignments. Ad eq u acy o f s o u rces and referencing (in clu d in g q u ality and range of material) (10%) You have included a comprehensive and useful balance of reputable and scholarly sources to support your a rg um ents . Your ref erence list is well presented. In-text references are presented accurately and consistently in the Harvard in-text style. You have included a comprehensive and useful balance of reputable and scholarly sources to support your a rg um ents . Your ref erence list is well presented. Your in- text references are mostly pres ented accurately and consistently in the Harvard in- text style. You have included an adequate range of sources and have met the minimum required sources in your reference list. However, your i n- text ref erences m a y not have been pres ented accurately and consistently in the Harvard style and greater use of academic sources would likely have s treng thened your response. Your reference list is only minimally appropriate and insufficient in range to adequately defend your analysis. In addition, your in-text references (or reference list) are not presented accurately and consistently in the Harvard in-text style. This detracts significantly from the overall quality of your w ork at this level. You have not provided sufficient in-text referencing and/or have not included a com prehens ive reference list at the conclusion of your es s ay. You need to m ake greater use of the resources at your di s pos a l to f orm ul a te a well-defended analysis of your chosen topic. ACR202 – ASSESSMENT TASK 3: MARKING RUBRIC 2020
Criminology Assignment plagiarism free deakin-harvard referencing
AT1 F IN AL A N SW ER S.d ocx by W AFA F A TIM A Su bm is sio n d ate : 0 4-A ug-2 021 0 9:3 2PM (U TC +1000) Su bm is sio n I D : 1 627659987 File n am e: A T1_F IN AL_A N SW ER S.d ocx (1 8.1 K ) W ord c o unt: 1 325 C hara cte r c o unt: 7 238 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FIN AL G RA D E / 2 5 AT1 F IN AL A N SW ER S.d ocx GRA D EM ARK R EPO RT G EN ERA L C O M MEN TS In str u cto r PA G E 1 P A G E 2 C om men t 1 P le ase r e fe r t o t h e D eakin G uid e t o A ustr a lia n H arv a rd : (B urk e 2 009:2 7) C om men t 2 A lt h ou gh it c o u ld b e a rg u ed t h at ‘j u st d ese rts ‘ in co rp ora te s n otio n s o f r e tr ib utio n s a s w ell. C om men t 3 Ju st e xp la in t h e r a tio n ale b eh in d t h is . Is it b eca u se s o m e p eop le c o m mit c rim e b eca u se o f oth er r e aso n s a p art f r o m r a tio n al c h oic e , a n d t h at s h ou ld b e c o n sid ere d in p unis h m en t? C om men t 4 A nd t h is c a n le ad t o in ju stic e w hen m an dato ry s e n te n ce s a re u se d . PA G E 3 C om men t 5 G iv in g s o m e r e al lif e e xa m ple s w ou ld h ave b een b en eficia l s u ch a s in div id uals w it h p ers o n alit y d is o rd ers o r m en ta l illn ess w ho c o m mit c rim e. C om men t 6 R em em ber t h at t h e d ate o f t h e s o u rc e m ust b e in clu ded in t h e in t e xt c it a tio n . PA G E 4 C om men t 7 Tru e, b ut in t e rm s o f m en ta l illn ess, it w ou ld b e a d dre ssin g t h at u nderly in g m en ta l illn ess w hic h w ou ld b e o f im porta n ce . PA G E 5 C om men t 8 I a m n ot s u re t h at I a m f o llo w in g t h e a rg u m en t f o r t h is s e co n d e xa m ple . A re y o u s a yin g t h at w it h ou t c la ssic is m , p osit iv is m w ou ld n eve r h ave a ris e n a n d t h ere fo re b eca u se o f t h e in flu en ce o f p osit iv is m o n t h e c rim in al ju stic e s yste m , c la ssic is m is h avin g a n in flu en ce b eca u se p osit iv is m is a r e sp on se t o c la ssic is m ?  P A G E 6 C om men t 9 B ra cke ts a ro u nd d ate s.

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