Org Strategy Week 8 Assignment

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Guidelines for Submission

Email: Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Presentation: Submit a 3- to 4-slide PowerPoint presentation.

Audio Script: Submit a 2-minute audio script in a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

2/21/22, 11:33 AM Module Eight Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3 1/5

Module Eight Assignment Guidelines and Rubric


Different audiences require different communica�on styles and media. In this assignment, you will communicate the same

informa�on to different audiences in different formats.

You have been coordina�ng with the benefits team to modify the current employee benefits package to support your long-term

employee engagement and reten�on strategy.

A�er a lot of research and communica�on with different providers, the benefits team has sent you the following memo regarding

the change. As part of the team spearheading the benefits change process, you are tasked with communica�ng details of the new

package to the affected audiences.


From: Benefits Department

To: Director, Strategic Planning

RE: Change in Benefits

Overview: The company has had the same benefits provider for ten years and we have reached the end of the contract. As

premiums and the cost to the company have increased every year, benefits have remained the same and even decreased in some

areas. Addi�onally, employees have been sharing concerns regarding the cost, co-pays, coverage, and op�ons of the current

provider. Therefore, in order to conduct due diligence, the benefits team began reviewing other providers last year. Based on the

feedback of employees and needs of the company, the following criteria were considered in the search:

Price of premiums

Lower deduc�bles

Improved dental plan op�on

Improved eye care plan op�on

Inclusion of health care savings or spending accounts

Enhanced long- and short-term disability coverage

Wellness programs

Reduced premiums for nonsmokers

A�er reviewing the different plans offered and extensive consulta�on with other stakeholders, the benefits team has selected a

new program. Compared to the current program, employees will experience the following enhancements in the new program:

Plans with mul�ple deduc�ble op�ons

Health care savings account

A wellness program that offers access to a weight loss applica�on, incen�ves for wellness visits and ac�vity logs, and

reimbursement for gym memberships and smoking cessa�on programs

Improved dental plan

Although these were part of the search criteria, the new program does not include:

Lower premiums

Improved eye care plan op�ons

Reduced premiums for nonsmokers


MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3 TM

2/21/22, 11:33 AM Module Eight Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3 2/5

Enhanced long- and short-term disability coverage

Benefits to the company include:

Reduced premiums for the employees engaging in wellness programs

Addi�onal reduc�on in rates for in-network usage

The op�on of a “gold plan” for execu�ves that is significantly more cost-effec�ve than the previous plan

The new benefits plan will go into effect on January 1 of the new fiscal year and will be rolled out during the open-enrollment

period of the current year.

Please contact the benefits department if you have any ques�ons.


Using the informa�on in the memo above, create the following pieces of communica�on. Remember to tailor the informa�on to be

appropriate for the target audience.

1. An email to all affected employees

a. Describe what is changing and why.

b. Explain the benefits of the change and how it will affect employees.

2. A brief three- to four-slide presenta�on to the human resources team with speaker notes as needed

a. Describe what is changing and why.

b. Explain the benefits of the change and how it will affect these teams.

3. An audio script for a two-minute presenta�on for the CEO

a. Describe what is changing and why.

b. Explain the benefits of the change and how it will affect the CEO.

Guidelines for Submission

1. Email: Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

2. Presenta�on: Submit a 3- to 4-slide PowerPoint presenta�on.

3. Audio Script: Submit a 2-minute audio script in a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,

and one-inch margins.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)
Needs Improvement

Not Evident (0%) Value

Email to


Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Describes what is

changing and why;

explains the benefits

of the change and

how it will affect


Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may

include crea�ng an

email that includes

only informa�on

relevant to


Does not a�empt



Presenta�on for

Human Resources

Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Describes what is

changing and why;

explains the benefits

of the change and

how it will affect the

employees and the

human resources


Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors or

omissions; areas of

improvement may

include crea�ng a

presenta�on to the

human resources

teams with speaker

notes, including only

Does not a�empt



Module Eight Assignment Rubric

2/21/22, 11:33 AM Module Eight Assignment Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-540-X3553 Org Strategy in Global Env 22TW3 3/5

notes, including only

informa�on relevant

to human resources

Audio Script for

the CEO

Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Describes what is

changing and why;

explains the benefits

of the change and

how it will affect the


Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors or

omissions; areas of

improvement may

include crea�ng a

script including

informa�on relevant

to the CEO

Does not a�empt



Ar�cula�on of


Exceeds proficiency

in an excep�onally

clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or

crea�ve manner

Clearly conveys

meaning with correct

grammar, sentence

structure, and


demonstra�ng an

understanding of

audience and


Shows progress

toward proficiency,

but with errors in

grammar, sentence

structure, and

spelling, nega�vely

impac�ng readability

Submission has

cri�cal errors in

grammar, sentence

structure, and

spelling, preven�ng

understanding of



Total 100%

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