Anarchic ideologues and national separatists are two different types of terrorists

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1.) Anarchic ideologues and national separatists are two different types of terrorists. In your initial post differentiate between anarchic ideologues (terrorists who want to destroy the “world of their fathers”) and nationalist separatists (terrorists who “want to carry on the mission of their fathers”). Provide examples of each type. Discuss to what extent these differently motivated groups interact and how differences in these groups can be exploited to our advantage. Finally, discuss how understanding the underlying motivation of these groups is important to formulating and executing counter terrorist plans (both at the tactical level and the strategic level).



2.) Organizational behavior is a term that can apply to both public (government) and private (business) entities. For your initial post in this week’s forum begin by defining the term ‘organizational behavior’ based upon the course readings, lesson, and any other material you might locate on the topic. Next, compare and contrast what organizational behavior might look like in a public (government) organization with that of a private (business) organization. As part of your response be sure to highlight any key differences that you perceive to exist with respect to organizational behavior in these different entities.

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