Look Before You Leap Essay

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Write a 3-4 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page).  Read the case, Look before you Leap, and answer all parts of the questions below.

Prepare your composition to cover the following topics or questions with in the Body section of the paper described for this assignment.

A.    Grameen Danone is a joint venture (JV) among two companies—the nonprofit Grameen Group and the for-profit Groupe Danone SA. What are the benefits of this JV to each of these companies? Why did each choose to participate in the JV?

b.   What other forms of advance preparation might the managers need to undertake before negotiating with someone from another country?

c.     From the perspective of each of the partners, are there any potential pitfalls to joining this JV?

d.     Now consider Danone’s JV in China. What were the benefits of this JV to each of these companies? Why did each choose to participate in the JV?

e.     What could Danone have done to avoid the problems it encountered in China and India?

Below is a recommended outline.

Cover page


A thesis statement

Purpose of paper

Overview of paper

Body (Cite sources using in-text citations.)

Main issue 1.

Main issue 2.

Main issue 3.

(there may be additional sections of your paper)

Conclusion – Summary of main points

Lessons Learned and Recommendations

References – List the references you cited in the text of your paper according to APA format.



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