(Practical Site Logistics General Notes)

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You are working for a Head Contractor on the construction of a 12 storey mixed use residential building with an adjacent 6 storey carpark on a site in Grey Lynn, Auckland.
The developer wishes to construct the building on an entire block which is bordered by Great North Road (North East) , Kirk Street (North West), Dean Street (South East) and Brisbane Street (South West). The lot numbers are as follows:
Legal Description Address
Lot 1 DP92594Lot 1 DP43475 174 Great North Road , Grey Lynn
Lot 1 DP43475 194 Great North Road, Grey Lynn
174Land on DP1817 196 Great North Road, Grey Lynn
Lot 1 DP99280 196 Great North Road Grey Lynn
DP 180540 9B Kirk Street
Other Project Information a) Drawings
Refer Attached Framing Plan and Elevations, Precast Stair Plan b) Duration
The project is to be built over a 20 month period. c) Liquidated Damages $15,000 per calendar day d) Structural Scheme
The proposed structure includes two adjacent buildings which will be separated seismically.
i) Carpark Building (West)
The carpark building to the west is to be 30m x 60m and to be 6 stories with floor to floor height of 3.6m. Carparking is to be provided on all 7 levels including the ground floor and roof. The structure consists of 400mm hollowcore slabs with 75mm 25MPa concrete topping supported by structural steel beams and columns and 200mm thick precast concrete shear walls, founded on pile caps and steel H-piles.
In order to provide 4 carpark spaces between columns, the columns have been set-out at 9m spacings with hollowcore spanning 15m between the supporting beams.
Pedestrian access is provided by precast concrete stairs.
ii) Mixed-use Hotel and Residential (East)
The building to the east is to be 12 stories with a foot-print of 30m x
67.5m. The floor-to-floor height is 3.6m
The eleven floors and roof consist of 150mm thick hollowcore with 75mm 25MPa concrete topping supported by structural steel beams and columns founded on pile caps and steel H-piles.
Lateral load resistance is provided by 200mm thick precast concrete shear walls. The lift shaft consists of 250mm thick in-situ reinforced concrete.
Precast concrete stairs are provided to the east of the building.
1.0) Site Establishment and Operation Plan (25 marks)
The project is in the preliminary design and concept phase, however the Client has requested a Construction Report which will include the following:
• Construction Methodology
• Site Establishment and Logistics
• Preliminary Programme
• Cost Estimate including Preliminary and General
• Risk Analysis
The Head Contractor Project Manager has requested that you do a formal report regarding site establishment and logistics which will be included in the final Construction Report.
Your report should include information, diagrams and site plans which address site establishment and logistics operations. The report should provide your reasoning as well as any other comment you feel necessary for the team to consider.
2.0) Crane Analysis (10 marks)
Provide cranage alternatives with crane layout diagrams and elevations. You may utilise any cranes from the Smith Crane and Construction website. In your report explain reasoning for your choice of crane(s) and positioning including any advantages or shortcomings of your proposal, or how the proposed preliminary design maybe impacted by the alternatives.
Further to the above you should consider providing information to the structural engineer regarding the preferred size of precast walls depending on your cranage alternatives.
1. Cranage which you may consider should be selected from the Smith Cranage Fleet documentation which is provided to you
2. You may also consider providing advice on the current structural scheme taking account of lifting alternatives
3. You should provide enough diagrams and information to support your analysis and recommendations.
3.0) Cladding Considerations (5 marks)
The carpark and multi-use building will require external cladding which is yet to specified. Write some notes for consideration by the rest of your team on the different types of cladding and the impact on site requirements.
4.0) Health and Safety Site Plan (5 marks)
Your company does have a Safety Policy, however your team will need to consider a Site Specific Safety Plan taking into account the actual details of the site. To assist with the Site Specific Safety Plan you are to provide a site plan with explanation showing necessary Health and Safety information.
5.0) Traffic Management Plan for Use of Public Corridor (5 marks) It is desired to consider utilising Great North Road as a loading bay for large loads. While the company will engage a Traffic Management Specialist to make a formal application to Auckland Transport to utilise the public corridor, your team would like you to prepare a draft Traffic Management Plan which will include
• Short Form COPTTM (Code of Practice For Temporary Traffic Management Form)
• Traffic Management Diagram detailing the physical layout of temporary traffic management equipment around the worksite. You may consider using an Auckland Transport Generic Traffic Management Diagram.
• Auckland Council GIS
• Google Maps
• Smith Crane and Construction https://www.smithcranes.co.nz/crane_fleet.php
• Stahlton Flooring Precast Info http://stahlton.co.nz/
• Auckland Transport Traffic Management Plans https://at.govt.nz/aboutus/working-on-the-road/traffic-management-plans/
• NZTA Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management https://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/code-temp-traffic-management
• Construction Site Planning and Logistical Operations, Rapp and Benhard, Purdue University Press
• Advanced Construction Technology, 4th Edition, Chudley and Greeno, 2006, Pearson Education Ltd
• Construction Technology, 4th Edition, Chudley and Greeno, 2007, Pearson Education Ltd
• The Engineer’s Manual of Construction Site Planning, Construction, Sutt, Lill and Muursepp, 2013, Wiley
• Guidelines for the Provision of Facilities and General Safety in the Construction Industry to Meet the Requirements of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and Regulations 1995, OSH, Department of Labour


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