CRJ7095 Integrative Project for Criminal Justice Research Question or Hypothesis

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The identification and delineation of a problem generally assumes that we have registered concern about the problem. We may draw a conclusion—the hypothesis that we are either capable of handling the problem, or we are not. Both the hypothesis and the research question require an answer. It is this clear, succinct, and delineated statement that is the foundation of the research, and frames the parameters.


If the research question or hypothesis is not clear and concise, one cannot determine the variables to be examined. The basic rule is to make your inquiry simple and to-the-point.

In this unit, you will have that opportunity as part of your integrative project.


Use your How to Write a Master’s Thesis text to read:

  • Chapter 5, pages 93–118. This chapter will help you formulate your research questions or hypothesis.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Create a research question or hypothesis that is based on valid, reliable research.

Research Question or Hypothesis

This assignment is a required part of your integrative project, but it is not graded. Your instructor must approve your research question or hypothesis before you move forward.

For this component, succinctly state your research question (your inquiry into the problem) or your hypothesis (your statement to be proven). The research question or hypothesis is the foundation on which you build your integrative project. Your instructor will review and approve your research question or hypothesis before you move forward in your project work.

Refer to the course project description for more context of how this ungraded assignment fits into your overall work for the course. Submit your assignment by Friday of this week (midnight central time), so that you can exchange feedback with other learners in an upcoming discussion.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Create a research question or hypothesis that is based on valid, reliable research.


Welcome to your Capella University online course, CRJ7095 – Integrative Project for Criminal Justice.

The integrative project is the capstone of your master’s in the Criminal Justice program. It is this project that defines you and your master’s degree. Your integrative project captures the essence of your coursework, demonstrates your academic skill sets, and defines your career interests. It is unique to you.

Unlike a traditional master’s thesis, this integrative project is applied to your discipline. It is not a research project conducted in the sterile environment of academe, but rather, the application of research-based knowledge in the field of criminal justice. It is reality-based problem solving. The critical thinking skills you demonstrate in this project are the same skills that will help advance the discipline and promote you as a practitioner-scholar.

Theory in the absence of practice is merely that—theory. Likewise, practice in the absence of relevant research lacks efficacy and sound judgment. The challenges of conducting research in your workplace are not the same as research conducted in academe. For example, throughout your career you will undoubtedly face obstacles such as “we have always done it this way,” “it is a waste of time and money,” and “who do you think you are to change the system?” The research you gather, evaluate, and plan in this integrative project can help prepare you for these obstacles and provide an opportunity to address social and professional issues that are also ethical and multicultural. Finally, this research is a professional mechanism to state more than just your opinion about how critical issues can be solved in your jurisdiction or community.

Important note: Your integrative project must not involve any type of new data collection or research that you engage in yourself. You will be compiling and evaluating existing research.

Required Library Resources

Rocco, T. S., & Plakhotnik, M. S. (2009). Literature reviews, conceptual frameworks, and theoretical frameworks: Terms, functions, and distinctions.  Human Resource Development Review, 8(1), 120-130. doi:10.1177/1534484309332617

Scoring Guide

Describes any legal, ethical, and diversity accountability issues related to the problem in a criminal justice context. Identifies assumptions on which the analysis is based.

Describes how a problem in a specific area of criminal justice studies is affecting various cultures and ethnicities in the community. Identifies criteria that could be used to evaluate the problem.

Describes the dynamics for social change and community improvements that relate to a problem that can be addressed by criminal justice theories. Identifies areas of uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and/or additional information that would be needed in order to gain a more complete understanding of the problem.

Writes clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; No notable errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Uses relevant evidence to support a central idea.

Correctly formats paper, citations, and references using APA style. Citations are free from all errors.

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