Student Development Training Session

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Student Development Training Session

Assume the hypothetical role of a Student Affairs professional within a university setting. You have been asked by your supervisor to prepare one 50-minute training session for a new team of academic advisors, who will be hired and onsite by the next semester, and an advance reading list that they will have read prior to the training. Your goal is to train the team

of academic advisors on one learning objective that you will develop with an individual identity focus or a social identity focus as justified by student development theory.

For the Final Project, you will present the academic advisor training session material that focuses on one of the two options based on the university’s philosophy for student development:

a.    Student individual identity development

b.    Student social identity development

Schedule for component submissions:

a.Week Two- Student Development Philosophy Presentation

b.Week Three- Training Objective & Advisor Reading List

c.Week Four- Student Development Principles Checklist

d.Week Five- Academic Advisor Training Syllabus (50-minute training session)

e.Week Six- Student Development Training Session 
Revise, assemble, and submit all Final Project components and include the URL to your recorded training introduction.
The recorded introduction should be at least five minutes in length.
You may use Jing, a free screencapture software, or another multimedia software application of your choice. If you need a guide, please refer to the Jing Instructions.

The Final Project will not require a title page, but all references consulted for the presentation, theoretical justification, and training design should be included and formatted using proper APA style.

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