1. Summarize the new way of shopping in the Industrial Age 2. How did RH Macy contribute to the new way of shopping in the Industrial Age? 3. Go to the presentation folder that is on the the Week 11

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1.  Summarize the new way of shopping in the Industrial Age

2. How did RH Macy contribute to the new way of shopping in the Industrial Age?

3. Go to the presentation folder that is on the the Week 11 Module and click on the powerpoint presentation for RH Macy and Conrad Hilton.  Go to slide  2 of the presentation  and click  on this URL  posted onto slide 2 of the presentation:   https://www.youtube.com/watch=7SlMvW6AcSALinks to an external site.

After viewing this  5 Minute YouTube Video on how Hilton made his money,  please explain how Conrad Hilton  made his money


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