Assignment Instructions: Provide a summary of any one case from the “opening cases” or “The Strategy Highlights”, or “End of Chapter Ethical/Social Issues “, or “End of Chapter Discussion Questions”

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Assignment Instructions: Provide a summary of any one case from the “opening cases” or “The Strategy Highlights”, or “End of Chapter Ethical/Social Issues “,  or “End of Chapter Discussion Questions” that are discussed in the body of the chapter or at the end of the chapters 7, 8, or 9  of the textbook. Give your conclusions. Pick the one that others have not summarized by the time you post yours unless you provide a different perspective with external research and add to the summary. Your 3-paragraph posting should be written in the following format:

  • State the case name, chapter number, or the discussion question;
  • Summary of the case including answering one of the questions of the case or discussion question
  • Your conclusions and/ view about the case /what did you learn from this case

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