Australian Residential Property Market Assignment

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Australian Residential Property Market Assignment

Australian Residential Property Market Assignment
Assessment 3 (A-3): Australian Residential Property Market Report 50% of unit assessment (1’400 – 1’500 words) The aim of this assessment is for each student to demonstrate their knowledge of the Australian residential housing sector. This is an individual assignment and takes the place of an exam. A hurdle of 50% applies to this assessment task. You need to score 50% or above on this assessment (and for the unit) to pass the unit. Please read the instructions carefully. Context: to approach this task, consider that you are explaining/describing the Australian property market to an individual who is a property enthusiast living overseas and who knows nothing about the Australian property market. They’d like to learn aspects of our residential property market so they can understand its key characteristics and current state, as of Jan 2022, and so be able to compare it to other property markets too.In this task you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of key topic areas of the unit MMP111 and use that knowledge to describe the Australian residential property market.In preparing your report, begin with a cover-page and executive-summary, then write a (max) 300 word summary of each of the following topics. (No TOC, introduction or conclusion are necessary). 1. Property Tax. Summarise the role of property tax in Australia. Consider;what are the key property taxes in Australia? are they fair, overall? (Explain why yes, or why no), do they make property unaffordable for first home buyers?2. Property Finance and the Finance sector. What key role does finance (money lending) play in the Australian property market?Mention national debt levels, and the effect on property prices of very low mortgage interest rates.Mention ‘gearing’, and the broader relationship between lending and property. 3. The Property Market and the Australian Economy. What is their relationship? Consider property cycles, new property-development activity, wage levels, property values, etc.4. Property Law. Describe the relationship between property law and the property market.Consider: property ownership types and rights, the land title system in Australia, and buyer confidence.5. Property as an Asset (Asset class). Discuss property from the perspective of wealth holding and income generation. What type of asset class is it? Compare property to other asset classes.Notes:1. Giving examples will add value to your answers: for example, in the section on Tax, mention specific taxes.2. Graphs, tables, images will add value to your report if they are referred to and explained in your narrative. The use of tables and graphs is encouraged, though they should mostly be new ones you have created yourself. (Some sourced tables/graphs can be used f they are well explained and relevant.) 3. This is a descriptive task, no need to ‘talk up’ the property market or try to sell it as a good investment.4. Consider your presentation and visual style. See the ‘Visual guide’ PPT for report-preparation tips. Grades: 5 x 15 (=75) marks for the 5 topics + 10 marks for the Exec’ Summary.
Australian Residential Property Market Assignment
Assessment 3 (A-3): Australian Residential Property Market Report 50% of unit assessment (1’400 – 1’500 words) The aim of this assessment is for each student to demonstrate their knowledge of the Australian residential housing sector. This is an individual assignment and takes the place of an exam. A hurdle of 50% applies to this assessment task. You need to score 50% or above on this assessment (and for the unit) to pass the unit. Please read the instructions carefully. Context: to approach this task, consider that you are explaining/describing the Australian property market to an individual who is a property enthusiast living overseas and who knows nothing about the Australian property market. They’d like to learn aspects of our residential property market so they can understand its key characteristics and current state, as of Jan 2022, and so be able to compare it to other property markets too.In this task you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of key topic areas of the unit MMP111 and use that knowledge to describe the Australian residential property market.In preparing your report, begin with a cover-page and executive-summary, then write a (max) 300 word summary of each of the following topics. (No TOC, introduction or conclusion are necessary). 1. Property Tax. Summarise the role of property tax in Australia. Consider;what are the key property taxes in Australia? are they fair, overall? (Explain why yes, or why no), do they make property unaffordable for first home buyers?2. Property Finance and the Finance sector. What key role does finance (money lending) play in the Australian property market?Mention national debt levels, and the effect on property prices of very low mortgage interest rates.Mention ‘gearing’, and the broader relationship between lending and property. 3. The Property Market and the Australian Economy. What is their relationship? Consider property cycles, new property-development activity, wage levels, property values, etc.4. Property Law. Describe the relationship between property law and the property market.Consider: property ownership types and rights, the land title system in Australia, and buyer confidence.5. Property as an Asset (Asset class). Discuss property from the perspective of wealth holding and income generation. What type of asset class is it? Compare property to other asset classes. Notes:1. Giving examples will add value to your answers: for example, in the section on Tax, mention specific taxes.2. Graphs, tables, images will add value to your report if they are referred to and explained in your narrative. The use of tables and graphs is encouraged, though they should mostly be new ones you have created yourself. (Some sourced tables/graphs can be used f they are well explained and relevant.) 3. This is a descriptive task, no need to ‘talk up’ the property market or try to sell it as a good investment.4. Consider your presentation and visual style. See the ‘Visual guide’ PPT for report-preparation tips. Grades: 5 x 15 (=75) marks for the 5 topics + 10 marks for the Exec’ Summary.

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