Psychology the Little Albert Experiment Paper


Learn about the studies

The American Psychological Association (APA) has a Code of Conduct that describes rules concerning ethics in psychological experiments, and review boards are in place to enforce these ethics. But in the past, the standards were not so strict, which is how some very famous studies in psychology came about.

Read about (and watch) the following psychological studies that would, today, be considered unethical.

The Milgram Experiment

Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram hoped to further understand how so many people came to participate in the cruel acts of the Holocaust. He theorized that people are generally inclined to obey authority figures, posing the question, “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?” In 1961, he began to conduct experiments of obedience.

Watch the following video: Obedience to Authority (12m:46s)

The Little Albert Experiment

At Johns Hopkins University in 1920, John Watson conducted a study of classical conditioning on a 9-month-old baby he called Albert B. The young boy started the experiment loving animals, particularly a white rat, but when Watson started pairing the presence of the rat with the loud sound of a hammer hitting metal, Albert began to develop a fear of the white rat as well as most animals and furry objects.

Watch the following video: Little Albert (3m:26s)

The Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment  

Jane Elliott was not a psychologist, but she developed a controversial exercise in 1968 by dividing students into a blue-eyed group and a brown-eyed group in an attempt to give her students hands-on experience with discrimination.

Watch the following video: A Class Divided (53m:05s) 

Select a study

Once you have watched and learned about each experiment, choose one experiment to study in more depth. Conduct research online to learn more about that experiment, and then complete the assignment.

Choose ONE of the experiments above and construct a paper based on the following:

1st Paragraph: Clearly state the main problem or issue you need to consider when determining whether or not this study is ethical. Clearly explain what makes this study unethical and why. Cite at least one outside source, as well as one or two concepts from the APA Code of Conduct, to support your statements.

2nd Paragraph: Analyze and interpret relevant information about this study to determine what would need to be changed in order to meet the APA’s Code of Conduct and ethical standards.

3rd Paragraph: Evaluate this study to assess if the benefit of learning the results of this study outweighs the potential harm of conducting the study. Cite at least one outside source to support your statements.

4th Paragraph: Generate a comprehensive conclusion that integrates your thoughts about this study and about ethical experiments (the main problem/issue you addressed in the first paragraph).

The midterm The idea is for you to explore using logistics regression, support vector machines, decision trees and random forest I want you to explore at least 4 ways of running each one. As examples:

The midterm

The idea is for you to explore using logistics regression, support vector machines, decision trees and random forest

I want you to explore at least 4 ways of running each one. As examples:

Using logistics regression there are quite a few parameters:

  • l2 penalties (or none). When using l2 penalties, what is the correct C coefficient?
  • type of algorithm/solver to use
  • type of way of handling multi-class (number of classes > 2)
  • preprocessing – do you need to center/scale the data before hand?

    • My guess is no – all the features are in the same scale, but it should be verified

And with Support Vector Machines (read:, explore:

  • Different multi-class parameters
  • LinearSVC vs SVC
  • For SVC, different kernels
  • Different margin

With Classification trees (, sklearn has two types:

  • Decision Trees (
  • Extra Tree Classification ( I never used this one.

And there are random forest (

Read the documentation, select the 4+ ways you want to explore each of these 4 classifiers, AND WRITE UP NOTES IN MARKDOWN CELLS Your interpretation and conclusions are really important

UArizona Global Rolling Out of the New Meeting Management Software Press Release

Your company is rolling out a new technology platform or software program for global communications and operations in your organization. You are an upper-level manager who needs to send a communique out to mid-level managers who are to disseminate the information to their teams. You want to ensure that you communicate proper expectations to the managers for them to deliver to their team. You, as the upper-level manager, should model the behavior for the mid-level managers to follow.

You have two technology platform options from which to select.

Option 1: Meeting Management Software. This option gives you the opportunity to use any meetings software platform or software that your organization currently uses or has used in the past. Identify a platform or software technology that is being retired as well as the new technology that is being rolled out.

Option 2: If your technology is proprietary, or if you have no experience with communications and data management technology, pick two of the following communication platforms to research and compare: Skype, Zoom, Adobe Connect, WebEx. Identify which of the platforms is the currently used technology that is being retired and which is the new platform being rolled out.

For this paper,

  • Justify the platform that is being rolled out.
    • Select two benefits and two challenges of the tool over the technology that is being retired due to obsolescence.
  • Indicate the date that the new technology will be rolled out (select any date).
  • Outline the steps the organization would take to disseminate the technology.
  • Explain channel richness and its value to communication in this instance.
  • Examine the role of international and intercultural interpersonal communications in today’s global businesses.
  • Interpret the importance of both verbal and nonverbal management communication.
  • Utilize proper speaking and presentation techniques in a group setting.

Read the scenario below and answer the following questions. You work as a financial analyst at a large automobile corporation that occasionally makes acquisitions of smaller companies that specialize

Read the scenario below and answer the following questions.

You work as a financial analyst at a large automobile corporation that occasionally makes acquisitions of smaller companies that specialize in the production and assembly of small component parts. In order to achieve vertical integration of its newest sports sedan model, the company is evaluating a few manufacturing companies that have experienced strong financial performance in the past few years. These companies would make excellent acquisitions due to the nature and quality of the product and the anticipated ease of transition. You have been tasked to evaluate these companies from a financial perspective and choose one. To do this, you need to brush up on a few concepts by addressing the following topics:

  1. Describe what a crediting rate/score is. Should this be a factor in evaluating companies?
  2. The firm will need to raise funds immediately for the acquisition, and debt will be used. Should the firm borrow on a long-term or short-term basis? Why?
  3. Explain the effect, if any, inflation rates will have on the purchase? How significant is this factor?
  4. Define the relationship between yield curves and the term structure of interest rates.
  5. Explain what would happen to interest rates if a new process was developed that allowed automobiles to run off oil that was formulated based on lemonade? The technology used to convert this liquid to gas would be pricey but well worth it. What impact would this technology have on interest rates?
  6. Discuss what ratios should be used to assess the financial health of the potential acquisition?

Your completed case study must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least your textbook as a reference. Other references may be used as needed. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

BIOL102: I need help with discussion replies post


1. Disease: Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 

Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that mistakenly causes the immune system to attack the peripheral nervous system. GBS is an autoimmune disease that affects a person because the immune system usually begins as an attack on infection in the body, confusing some of the chemicals on the bacteria or viruses as nerve cells, leading the immune system to attack healthy nerves. Guillain-Barre damages both the myelin sheath and axons of the peripheral nerves, causing the nerves to be unable to transmit signals and muscles to stop responding to the brain’s messages, causing weakness. Most cases begin a few days or weeks after a recent respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection. In some rare cases, vaccinations may increase the risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. GBS can affect anyone at any age, although it is more frequent in adults. This disease is not genetic and is not contagious. The exact cause is unknown. GBS cases can range in severity from very mild with brief weakness to possible paralysis, where you cannot breathe independently. However, in even the most severe cases, most people eventually recover, but some will continue to experience some weakness. GBS can start and intensify over hours, days, or weeks until the muscles in the body stop working altogether, and the person is almost completely paralyzed. These cases are the most severe and life-threatening to the patient. The paralysis interferes with their ability to breathe independently and causes blood pressure and heart rate abnormalities. The most common symptom of GBS is weakness. As noted, this may start suddenly and progress within hours or slowly. Patients may often feel this weakness in the upper extremities, muscles used for breathing, which, when progressed, can cause the patient to need a breathing machine for assistance. Sensation changes are another symptom due to the connection between your brain and body and the abnormal signals due to nerve damage. Other symptoms are difficulty with eye muscles and vision, difficulty speaking, chewing, and swallowing, pain that can be severe, problems with digestion and bladder control, and abnormal heart rate or blood pressure. Guillain-Barre syndrome affects the nervous system. It also affects the respiratory system by weakening the muscles used for breathing, leading to decreased heart function. It is vital to keep oxygenated blood circulating through the body. In the cardiovascular system, blood pressure and heart rate can become abnormal due to the strain on the heart. GBS also causes issues with the digestive system due to nerve damage to the organs that contract to move food and other wastes through the body properly. (NIH, 2018)

           There is no known cure for Guillain-Barre syndrome. However, treatment options are available to lessen the severity of the illness and shorten the recovery time. If you are diagnosed with GBS, you will be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Two treatment options that have been found most effective are plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Anti-inflammatory steroid hormones have also been used. Physical and occupational therapy, as well as supportive care, continues throughout treatment as well as recovery. Depending on the severity of weaknesses in the muscles, a patient may have to continue with PT/OT for an extended period to strengthen and regain the function of specific muscles. (NIH, 2018)

           “You have many workers: stonecutters, masons, and carpenters, as well as those skilled in every kind of work.” 1 Chronicles 22:15 (Life. Church, NIV. 2019) Science continues to advance, leading researchers to find greater understandings of existing and new treatments. As we are reminded throughout the Bible,  as we see in this verse, God works through us to change the lives of others by giving us each a skillful purpose, whether we use it individually or as a team.


Life. Church. (2019, February 12). Bible. App Store. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

Links to an external site.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018, August). Guillain-Barré syndrome. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Retrieved February 20, 2023, from

2. Disease: Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease that causes an underactive thyroid, also known as Hypothyroidism, where the thyroid produces little to no hormones. In an individual with this disease, the thyroid is attacked by antibodies made by their body’s own immune system. As a result, white blood cells congregate in the thyroid gland, damaging it, so that it is no longer able to produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones. Because the thyroid manages how in energy is used and distributes within the body, almost every organ system is affected by this disease. For example, the metabolism and digestive system are affected by a slowed metabolism, constipation, heartburn, and stomach bloating. Additionally, the reproductive system can be affected as women with Hashimoto’s/Hypothyroidism can have disrupted menstrual cycles, as well as fertility issues when trying to get pregnant. Another system impacted is the cardiovascular system as irregular heartbeats, decreased heart rates, high blood pressure, and bad cholesterol can all be results. Some of the most common symptoms of Hashimoto’s are cold intolerance, constipation, fatigue, hair loss, slowed heart rate, irregularity in menstruation and fertility, dry skin, weight gain, and pain in the muscles and joints. 

While there is no cure for Hashimoto’s, the disease can be treated and managed. If the thyroid has endured enough damage to develop hypothyroidism, then doctors typically will treat it by prescribing a medication, levothyroxine, that is essentially a replica of one of the natural hormones the thyroid produces (T4). Following this prescription, doctors will monitor an individual’s thyroid hormone levels every 6-8 weeks through blood tests. Because hormones are everchanging, depending on the blood tests, dosages of levothyroxine may be changed and adjusted according to levels and symptoms that the patient is experiencing. Another crucial way to combat Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism is through nutrition. Foods such as gluten and dairy generally produce an inflammatory response in the body. Because the thyroid is already inflamed, eliminating these types of foods from ones diet can result in significant reduction of inflammation throughout the body as well as in the thyroid gland. Additionally, maintaining a well balanced, nutrient dense diet with very little sugar is instrumental in seeing improvement in symptoms of Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. Some people have even gotten entirely off of their prescribed thyroid medication solely through nutrition and lifestyle changes, though it is not as common.
As we are fallen people corrupted by sin, suffering and disease exists in this world. However, God did not leave us here with no hope for healing. Just as he gifted people with spiritual gifts such as evangelism, serving, leadership, teaching, mercy, etc. he has also gifted people with knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom can come in many forms but I believe that scientists are some of the people gifted by God to understand diseases, overall health, and various physiological problems to help heal those who are hurting and suffering. Scientists are certainly not perfect, neither are we, but their gifts of knowledge are used by God as a vessel to illustrate his redemptive work. Miracles and healing show God’s love for us and his desire for us to know that we are not alone in our suffering at the hands of the things of this world.
“Hashimoto’s Disease.” National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,… to an external site..
“Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.” American Thyroid Association,

Miami Dade College Organizational Ethics Project and Discussion Question


=Taken from the assigned reading in Butts chapter 12, page 401, “Ethical Reflection: Typical Unethical or Illegal Behaviors in Organizations”

Create a presentation of 10-15 slides or screens excluding the title and references.

  • Your slides/screen should include titles, main ideas, bullet points, and relevant images, charts, graphs, etc.  

In your presentation:

Describe an ethical situation, based on the chosen topic, that can get in the nurse’s way of practicing ethically. Describe the situation clearly and concisely.

Identify how this situation relates to one provision within the Code of Ethics for Nurses.

  1. Identify two ethical principles that may arise when facing this situation.

Discuss how a nurse might lessen the impact of the situation on the nurse’s practice.

In addition to the course texts, cite and reference a minimum of two (2) additional scholarly sources to support your work.

The case will focus on issues related to market segmentation targeting and/or positioning. You will be asked to answer questions following the case. Your analysis and recommendations must be strongl

The case will focus on issues related to market segmentation targeting and/or positioning.  You will be asked to answer questions following the case.  Your analysis and recommendations must be strongly communicated to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the concepts learned in the course. Be creative in your work and ensure that all your recommendations are fully substantiated.


1. Students will purchase the case directly from the publisher.

2. Students will be required to address the questions that follow the case using course materials to inform and support their answers.  Additional research is likely to be needed to satisfactorily address the questions.

3. Remember, this is a Marketing class. The Product (the content, the presentation, etc.), Place (the manner in which it is presented to the instructor), Price (the amount of effort required to read and consider the points – this is a place where clarity, conciseness and attention to grammar, and spelling and punctuation counts), and Promotion (how well are your ideas supported and whether you “sell” your position) work together as the professor evaluates your work.

4. The written submission should be substantive, both in length 1500 words and content, directly and thoughtfully addressing the question or issue.

5. Responses should draw on materials from the assigned readings and discussion materials to develop a thoughtful and reasoned answer.  Students should not hesitate to draw on past experience, knowledge and external sources to support their position.

6. The report should address each case question individually and the answers should be formatted in a manner where there is an introductory and a concluding paragraph.  The report should also be free of spelling errors, be grammatically correct, written in full-sentences and contain full words (no shorthand, emoticons, etc.).

7. Responses must be well written, properly cited and referenced (APA), and be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Students will be expected to read the case, identifying the main issues and, following the case method, provide a thorough analysis of case facts, identify and assess alternatives and provide recommendations to address the problems identified.


  • Students will use a solutions-based problem solving approach
  • Students will analyze and synthesize information provided in the case
  • Students will provide recommendations in response to case questions that are based on a comprehensive analysis of the case materials and other supporting documents

Short Description

The case assignment is an opportunity for students to assess a business challenge and apply their learning to assessing the issues and developing recommendations for their solution.

Requirements and Submission Instructions

  • Maximum 1500 words
  • APA Format

1.     Go to the Ivey Publishing website at

  1. Log in to your existing account or click “Register” to create a new account and follow the prompts to complete the registration. If registering, choose the “Student User” role.

Click on this link or copy into your browser:

There are many times that treatments and vaccines are in trials and not ready for mass production or use, Biology Assignment Homework Help


There are many times that treatments and vaccines are in trials and not ready for mass production or use. The natural process is to go through a great deal of testing to ensure safety. However, in a situation where the treatment is needed right away due to an outbreak or pandemic, should the trials be abandoned if success has been seen before the trial period has ended? Explain the ethics behind and the pros and cons of this type of situation.

Ref.: Cowan, M. K. (2014) (4th Ed.). Microbiology: A Systems Approach, McGraw Hill

Instructions In this assignment, you will create a presentation for your organization explaining how successful collaboration can improve success and provide competitive advantages. Scenario: Your org


In this assignment, you will create a presentation for your organization explaining how successful collaboration can improve success and provide competitive advantages.

Scenario: Your organization has used a variety of collaboration systems developed by some project managers. Some of these systems were successful while others were not. Your organization has one unique challenge – many of your employees are staffed at other locations or work from home (telework). You would like to standardize the collaboration process to improve team communication for all company projects. In your presentation, you should do the following:

Explain why collaboration information systems are important from the organization’s perspective.

Discuss how collaboration tools can improve team communication.

Identify three tools that will be used for synchronous communications and three tools that will be used for asynchronous communications. Be sure to explain why you made these choices.

Describe how project files such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS Visio will be shared with team members. Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choice.

Explain how the task list for managing tasks will be shared with team members. Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choice.

Discuss how this new collaboration information system could provide competitive advantages for your organization.

Your presentation should be a minimum of six slides long (not including the title and references slides). Use of images, graphics, and diagrams is encouraged.

You can use an industry of your choosing or examples from your personal or professional experiences in developing this assignment. You can also use the resources in the Suggested Unit Resources section to assist you with this assignment.

Be sure to follow the 7×7 rule (no more than 7 words per line and no more than 7 lines per slide). You are required to use speaker notes to discuss the bullet points on your slides.

You must use at least two academic resources to create your presentation, and you must cite (in APA format) any information on your slides or in your speaker notes that came from these sources.

visual communication, assignment help

The artist Georges Seurat is one of the world’s most fascinating artists. His technique of pointillism was pivotal in inspiring future generations of painters to think about painting in both individualistic and non-conformist ways. This week’s reading references many artists from different movements (i.e. Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci).

Conduct research on an artist from any movement that you find interesting. Choose one of their works. Analyze the image using the four visual cues from your reading: color, form, depth, and movement. Explain how the artist makes use of these four cues.

In your deconstruction of the image, also explain how the physiology of the eye helps you to see the four cues.

This paper should be 2-3 pages long. Be sure to cite any resources using proper APA notation. For more information on using APA,