Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: BACP Codes of Ethics. According to the British Association of counselling and psychotherapy, (BACP), confidentiality and autonomy are some of the most fundamen

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Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: BACP Codes of Ethics. According to the British Association of counselling and psychotherapy, (BACP), confidentiality and autonomy are some of the most fundamental ethical concerns in counselling.&nbsp. The elementary objective of autonomy, on the other hand, is to respect the client’s right to self-determination (Vansteenkiste et al 2005). These two provisions in the ethical framework can bring about major dilemmas in certain counselling situations. This paper analyses one such situation. The case being looked at in this paper involves my client who has contracted a sexual disease. The client continues to engage in unsafe sexual practices with his partner who is unaware of his condition. Below is a comprehensive analysis of the factors that would impinge the process of counselling, in this case, drawing reference from the BACP codes of ethics and professional behaviour.

Before engaging in rush big decisions, the counsellor should first the seriousness of the client’s condition is and how it might have already affected his partner. The counsellor should first know what type of sexually transmitted disease has been contracted by the client and at the stage of the disease in the client. After gathering this information, the counsellor should consult with other medical practitioners on the repercussions of the disease and the most appropriate course of action. If the disease is treatable and is in its early stages, the counsellor should discuss with the client on the best way to handle the situation. Similarly, if it is untreatable and in its late stages the counsellor should also discuss with the client on the best way to handle the situation. It is very important for the counsellor to determine the severity of the case and how it affects the client’s partner as well as other third parties.

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