Digital Citizenship

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1. How do you keep yourself safe from viruses, hackers, malware, etc.?

2. How do you identify unsafe content and webpages?

3. What are your thoughts about online ownership (rightful ownership)? (Citation, Plagiarism, etc.

4. Our society is exposed to fast-advancing technology that requires us to consistently try to keep up. Do you also feel this pressure? How are you able to adapt to this exponential growth in society?

5. How would you rate your digital literacy skills?

6. (Optional Question) In all honesty, would you consider yourself to have great, ok, or bad digital etiquette? Why?

Reading Questions:

1. In the article “P–20 Model of Digital Citizenship” it says, “Students use technology at home before they start school, requiring parents to begin teaching their children digital citizenship as soon as they begin to use a computer” (Hollandsworth, R. & company, 2011). In your opinion, should parents be held responsible for any unethical behavior(s) their child may display in the digital world?

2. In the article “P–20 Model of Digital Citizenship” it says, “For some parents, the issues surrounding digital rights and responsibilities include having access to students’ passwords or having ability to see accounts on social networking sites. As a parent, this is not an invasion of privacy; instead, it is a way to better know your child, view how they interact with others, and keep them safe.” In your mind when is parent’s control over their children’s technological lives start to become an invasion of privacy?

3. In the article “P–20 Model of Digital Citizenship” it says, “Many schools nationwide are still denying students (and teachers for that matter) access to the real-world digital citizenship learning opportunities.” Why do you think these schools are denying students access to the digital world?

4. In the article “Digital Citizenship in the Curriculum” it says, “test whether student behavior, school safety, and grades improve with fewer online distractions” (Rivedal, 2017). Do you believe that limiting student’s online distractions will achieve this? Why or why not?

5. In the article “Digital Citizenship in the Curriculum” it says, “teaching with and about social media offers an approach that can help students grow as digital citizens in a democracy.” (you can answer one of these questions or both of them up to you)
a. Do you think that there is a point where digital citizenship is overtaught? (being too focused on teaching about the digital world rather than teaching “IRL things”)
b. It is important to teach how to properly navigate the internet, but do you think focusing on teaching how to navigate social media stuff is really necessary? Why or why not and to what degree?

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