History discussion- 1) What do you think is the biggest issue in the state of Oklahoma today? Can you find and explain a news article detailing the problem? 2) What one topic from the course do you th

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History discussion-

1) What do you think is the biggest issue in the state of Oklahoma today? Can you find and explain a news article detailing the problem?

2) What one topic from the course do you think is most important to properly understand how the American government works?

3) What do you think is the biggest issue for America, as a whole, today?

rubric- I’m looking for 250-750 words in total across all questions. The more detail the better. The more original the better (avoid copying from your peers). Opinions from all sides of the political spectrum are welcome here, but please just be respectful of everyone else! We can agree to disagree, understand people have different opinions, and still get along


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