I just need a 5 page extension to my paper about child abuse. here are the original instructions: The goal is to write a paper or conduct an interview or power point presentation on a topic that

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I just need a 5 page extension to my paper about child abuse.

here are the original instructions:

The goal is to write a paper or conduct an interview or

power point presentation on a topic that speaks to

developmental psychology. However you will have to

select a topic that would render you good resourceful

facts that includes a title page, abstract and reference

page. The options for the type of paper are 10 pages

double spaced. This is minus the title

page, abstract and reference page.

I just need a 5 page extension to my paper about child abuse. here are the original instructions: The goal is to write a paper or conduct an interview or power point presentation on a topic that
10 The roles of developmental psychology professionals in preventing child abuse NAME: INSTITUTION COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE: INSTRUCTOR’S NAME: DUE DATE: Abstract Developmental psychology seeks to understand how humans adapt to their environment, learn and mature, thus having the necessary skills. Numerous stages of development are normally affected by the environment and social dynamics. An example of child abuse involves physical, mental, and emotional trauma on a child, which has long-lasting impacts on their adulthood. For this analysis, we will understand how developmental psychology experts can help reduce child abuse, thus promoting a safe and neutral opportunity for children’s growth. The roles of developmental psychology professionals in preventing child abuse Introduction According to Saini et al. (2019), development psychology is essential in understanding children’s growth since humans undergo numerous processes that determine how they behave, react, and are emotional to different situations. Development psychology also shows how children can have a productive and healthy environment to reach their maximum potential. It focuses on emotional, physical, intellectual, social, cognitive, personality, and perceptual child development. Psychologists in this field conduct continuous research, especially for people with difficulty assessing healthcare and those with developmental disabilities. Psychologists focus on how one behaves, feels, or thinks over time, which may affect judgments. However, most developmental theories focus on childhood since most permanent changes occur in one’s life. Some developmental theories are cognitive, emotional, biological, and social. Although the children’s background is similar, they are exposed to different varied that impact their adulthood; for example, one may be abused or neglected by their parents. Child abuse in developmental psychology According to Kosher & Ben-Arieh (2020), child abuse is emotional, physical, and mental violence dedicated to a child. It includes adverse treatment from an older person relating to threats and violence against the child. Parents may neglect the child by not providing essential resources like food, housing education or become the abuse perpetrators. The emotional, physical, and cognitive development of a child is adversely affected by instances of child abuse. Through developmental psychology, we can understand different forms of child abuse and how they impact the child’s development and adulthood. Developmental psychologists argue that mental or brain development is significantly impacted by the childhood experiences like threats, neglect, and abuse while young. This is because negative experiences affect the functions and structures of the brain, while sometimes brain regions’ activities are size are significantly impacted. That is why abuse makes children unable to process details successfully, create healthy relationships, work as a team, respect personal space, and control their emotions. Therefore, a child’s emotional and social development is adversely affected by abuse, which is why such children find it difficult to create attachments, relations, and trust with others. Such children struggle with mental illnesses like depression, stress, and anxiety due to the inability to regulate behavior and emotions. The study of the child abuse field in developmental psychology helps in creating an effective environment and predicting, preventing, and treating the already abused children. roles of developmental psychology professionals in preventing child abuse based on the previous discussion, child abuse can be mental, physical, and emotional abuse like negligence, threats, and physical and sexual abuse. Therefore, developmental psychology professionals have a proactive role in promoting a healthy and productive future for children through developing initiatives to reduce abuse instances. The first role is developing a research and development plan to understand more about child abuse. Through systematic and scientific research processes, it is significant to understand how abuse occurs, its impacts on children, and potential risks. Without proper research, we cannot understand various risks relating to child abuse, like poverty, poor parents’ education, homelessness, mental problems, and substance abuse. As children take alcohol and other drugs, they are unable to control their emotions, while others may turn to prostitution to fund their alcoholic behavior, which significantly affects their adulthood. Therefore, the research aims to understand potential risks and the most effective programs our society may adopt to reduce child abuse significantly. Developmental psychology professionals may develop appropriate sensitization and education programs to reduce child abuse. The professionals can help parents understand their responsibilities and actions that can be interpreted as abusive to the child. For example, some parents will often spunk their children to discourage negative behavior, which may not always be right since physical violence against a child creates a poor emotional reaction and affects their judgment. Therefore, although physical violence may lead to children adopting the required behavior, it may have long-term negative impacts on their emotional and mental security. Therefore, developmental psychology professionals should be involved in educating such parents on how to reinforce good behavior without exposing a child to violence. Developmental psychology professionals can help parents properly manage their child’s conduct, provide nutrition, and create safety. (Pirelli et al., 2020). Despite the public understanding of the adverse impacts of child abuse, they do not know how to control and report extreme cases they identify. It is the professional’s role to sensitize the public on understanding symptoms and signs of abuse and the significance of reporting for appropriate measures to partake. Once reported cases increase, perpetrators of child abuse will reduce while such children will be placed in safe havens. Developmental psychology professionals should understand that the child abuse prevention plan is a multidisciplinary action; therefore, numerous professionals and individuals are involved in prevention. An example, law enforcement units should understand how to treat children immediately after their abusive parents and caregivers are arrested. At the same time, social workers should be sensitized to creating a haven for abused children. This will create a comprehensive and long-term initiative when preventing abuse in society. Developmental psychology professionals develop therapy interventions in preventing and mitigating child abuse. This will be an effective support and intervention for the abused children. Other programs include referrals, parental education, family therapy, and support programs. The professionals should understand that hearing is a gradual process requiring action and an appropriate mindset, thus promoting the required conclusion. conclusion According to Thomas et al. (2020), child abuse includes the emotional, physical, and mental trauma children are exposed to at an early age, which impacts their development. It is the role of developmental psychology professionals to research proper methods to identify risk factors and develop mitigation programs to eliminate child abuse. The professionals should be involved in public awareness, sensitization, and advocacy programs which promote healthy families and child support systems. References Kosher, H., & Ben-Arieh, A. (2020). Children’s participation: A new role for children in the field of child maltreatment. Child abuse & neglect, 110, 104429. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213420300843 Pirelli, G., Formon, D. L., & Maloney, K. (2020). Preventing vicarious trauma (VT), compassion fatigue (CF), and burnout (BO) in forensic mental health: Forensic psychology as an exemplar. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51(5), 454. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dana-Formon/publication/339157770_Preventing_vicarious_trauma_VT_compassion_fatigue_CF_and_burnout_BO_in_forensic_mental_health_Forensic_psychology_as_exemplar/links/61b6b7fbfd2cbd720097d7c7/Preventing-vicarious-trauma-VT-compassion-fatigue-CF-and-burnout-BO-in-forensic-mental-health-Forensic-psychology-as-exemplar.pdf Saini, S. M., Hoffmann, C. R., Pantelis, C., Everall, I. P., & Bousman, C. A. (2019). A systematic review and critical appraisal of child abuse measurement instruments. Psychiatry Research, 272, 106-113. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/files/103851412/Systematic_review_and_critical_SAINI_Firstonline13December2018_GREEN_AAM_CC_BY_NC_ND_.pdf Thomas, E. Y., Anurudran, A., Robb, K., & Burke, T. F. (2020). Spotlight on child abuse and neglect response in the time of COVID-19. The Lancet Public Health, 5(7), e371. https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanpub/PIIS2468-2667(20)30143-2/fulltext


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