i want you to do peer review on this article .. it should be should be 1-2 pages long. You can use point form, the peer review worksheet (for source material), and/or write on the actual paper. Howev

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i want you to do  peer review on this article .. it should be should be 1-2 pages long. You can use point form, the peer review worksheet (for source material), and/or write on the actual paper. However, I still expect you to write an actual peer review. This should be more in-depth than what you normally do in class and written with the goal of helping your fellow student write a better final paper.

i want you to do peer review on this article .. it should be should be 1-2 pages long. You can use point form, the peer review worksheet (for source material), and/or write on the actual paper. Howev
Peer Review Assignment 10 % (1-2 pages , due November 30 th – Nexus Dropbox) Your peer review should be 1 -2 pages long, and on another student’s final essay. You can use point form, the peer review worksheet (for source material), and/or write on the actual paper. However, I still expect you to write an actual peer review. This sho uld be more in -depth than what you normally do in class and written with the goal of helping your fellow student write a better final paper. You must also upload a copy of your work to Nexus assignment dropbox . NOTE – you can use the peer editing review worksheet ( see the assignment folder ) if you like, but feel free to write out a more comprehensive review. • On November 23 , we will have a peer review session. Details will be provided closer to the date but be prepar ed to share your paper copy draft file with your peer group. • When you upload your completed peer review assignment on November 30 th, include everything you did: peer edit worksheet, marked up essay file, etc. • Please email a copy of your peer review to th e student who wrote the essay. You can use Nexus email for this purpose. You can only email from one nexus email account to another. You also have access to everyone in the class. Just start typing in their name & the address will autofill. • There is alway s a chance that no one will review your paper. Since you are only graded on what you do, do not worry if no one reviews your essay. Here is a very helpful resource that explains how to do a proper peer review : https://serc.carleton.edu/sp/library/peerreview/tips.html
i want you to do peer review on this article .. it should be should be 1-2 pages long. You can use point form, the peer review worksheet (for source material), and/or write on the actual paper. Howev
Page 8 Name RHET-1105-050 Prof University Rough Draft for Research Essay #2 Overpopulation: is it just a myth or a real issue? In this essay, we will Investigate the most controversial problem of overpopulation. The world population has increased from 1 billion in 1800 to more than 8 billion today. However, the world population growth rate has declined from 2% per year 50 years ago to under 1.0% in 2021(Chandlery-2022-PopulationMatters). Even if it is a problem, we might have enough resources for it. First, what is overpopulation? – Overpopulation of species is the term used when the numbers of that species start to exceed the resources available to sustain them. It can happen by an increase in the number of babies being born and by the higher life expectancy. Fortunately, humans are one of them as we are well-developed and the second largest species on the earth in terms of population. However, there are more populated cities, not countries as according to the latest report from Urbanization – the world of data revealed that there are more than half of the population lives in urban areas, especially in developed countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Russia and many more (Ritchie-2018-Urbanization). One cannot deny the fact that most of the shortage problems are primarily in cities, not countries. The shortage of resources is common among highly populated countries such as Pakistan, India, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, and many more. The term shortage is different in different countries. Some have a shortage of water and electricity, and some have shortages of food, water, and houses. As per the article/report (Chandlery-2022-PopulationMatters), overpopulation is one of the major causes of most of the world’s problems. Whether it is a question of food shortages, lack of drinking water, or energy shortages, every country in the world is affected by it – or will be. Thanks to the import of goods from abroad, any country can maintain its welfare. But this cannot go on in an unlimited way, it means after a limited time like the year 2050 or maybe 2100 there will be high chances of low resources as the natural calamities and pollution is increasing in all the countries so every country will be by itself. The number of inhabitants is rising in every country. The world’s population is threatening to increase in just the next few decades from 8 to 10 billion (Chandlery-2022-PopulationMatters). There is a good chance that more and more countries will need their products for themselves. The article targets that there are now too many people on the planet using too many resources and producing too much risky waste, such as land pollution, adding up the factories’ waste in the sea or rivers, making too many products as per demand but the reaming are not being reused instead they have been dumped in the garbage and several more. Human population growth at current levels exacerbates all other threats. Its seriousness, and preventability, are not being addressed in any country or internationally. Population growth is the main issue for the shortage of food, water, and other resources, pollution, biodiversity loss, and disease emergence and spread. Many authors noted that the expected fourfold increase in the human population from 1950 to 2050 is the underlying driver of all the catastrophic risks we now face, combined with our overconsumption of scarce resources (Chandlery-2022-PopulationMatters). If it increases at a similar rate as it increased in the past 500 years, then it may lead to war for resources between provinces or nations, and if any world war takes place for resources, it can be a devastating end for the world. Later, there is much surety that the world will have the minimum resources for its maximum number of people. However, on the same issue, another article named Worldometer (Andrey Alimetov-2004-2022-World Population Clock) describes that mother earth has enough resources to feed even 10 billion people and states that the actual growth rate of the population is decreasing. This article also includes other information that depicts that the world has overcrowded cities, not overcrowded countries. Here comes a legitimate point, in the US, the west and east coast consist of more than 1/3 of the population. Canada also has some specific areas that are densely populated and a vast area that is purely empty. Mother Earth consists of enough to feed more than 10 billion mouths: it is just about allocating resources at the proper time to a specific amount of people. As several humans are wasting many resources, there should be a proper adjustment of the resources. The fact is that many countries which are among the world’s top largest countries, but half of them are not even in the Top 10 list of most populated countries. It demonstrates that enough of the land population of the earth is still untouched and unused. So, overpopulation is not such a big issue as it has been shown to all. Moreover, it seems that according to the growth rate (Worldometer), the population graph will start decreasing due to the extreme growth rate, the rate at which the population went up in the past 500 years can be slowed down at double rate and it can lead to the labor shortage and other shortage in some countries which might lead that country to the recession or other global problems. (Claire Fan-2022-Proof Point: Canada’s Labour Shortages Will Outlive a Recession). Although the article (Chandlery-2022-PopulationMatters) explains it as a problem, it cannot be a major issue for mass extinction or harmful events which might take place on earth. Catastrophic risks such as sea level rising, climate, natural resource depletion, mass extinction and ecosystem collapse, unchecked human population growth, global heating, pollution, increasing food insecurity, nuclear weapons, pandemics, and dangerous technologies. It might be a serious concern for humans shortly; additionally, it cannot be ignored that population growth, should be calculated every year as it has been done till now but in a precise way and at least some steps should be taken to maintain it properly. Using resources properly and not wasting them is one of the best solutions to prevent all issues. The current situation clearly shows that we have more than enough resources, even if the population growth is still low, but such crises make price rises happen, later, it has been shown to all humans as a reason for all the events Mother Earth faces daily. This article/report does not include some real reasons which can also be responsible for the catastrophic crisis, the article is very useful as it describes overpopulation in a detailed manner but at the same time lacks in shading light on the other facts/reasons for the world’s problem excluding overpopulation. Nevertheless, the Worldometer article (Andrey Alimetov-2004-2022-World Population Clock) collects the live statistics of the population and other aspects such as growth rate, fertility rate, births per minute, births today, current population, deaths today, births and deaths per year, health, food, energy, government and several more. That is why they can give us the latest and most precise data on the world’s current population and growth rate. For live illustration, recently on 20 November 2022, the world’s population Crossed the number of 8 billion, the growth rate is given as 1.00% as of 2022, which is projected as getting decrease by 50% and will fall to 0.5% by 2050 and 0.03% by the year 2100. To sum up, it is tough to arrange and solve the issue of climate change, food supply, biodiversity change, and some other issues, but not impossible, also by looking at the current world’s population might increase concerns in the future so it is better to take some good and legitimate action to control it and use it in a way which can be beneficial to the earth. Risk management and proper resources management are necessary to avoid tough issues. Currently, we do not need to control the population, all the people on earth need to make sure that government has enough ideas for allocating the resources properly because if we do not do something then the falling growth rate can be a bigger issue rather than overpopulation. Works Cited 1.Pimentel, D., Cincotta, R. P., Longman, P., Oglethorpe, J., Gelman, N., Lutz, W., & Bilsborrow, R. E. (2006). Overpopulation and Sustainability. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4(3), 155–161. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3868686 2.Report: Overpopulation is one of the ten greatest threats to humanity Population Matters, The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY, UK, https://populationmatters.org/ 3.FULLER, B. R. (1989). OVERPOPULATION. RSA Journal, 137(5399), 742–742. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41375036 4.Zwane, B. (1975). Overpopulation and Economic Growth in the Developing Countries. Transition, 49, 53–63. https://doi.org/10.2307/2934895 5.Bangert, R. K. (2003). Overpopulation Overlooked. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 1(5), 234–234. https://doi.org/10.2307/3868009 6.World Population Clock, Andrey Alimetov, a Russian immigrant to the United States, in 2004- 2022, Real-time Statistics, American Library Association. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population 7.Proof Point: Canada’s Labour Shortages Will Outlive a Recession. (n.d.). RBCCM. https://www.rbccm.com/en/insights/story.page?dcr=templatedata/article/insights/data/2022/07/proof_point_canadas_labour_shortages_will_outlive_a_recession 8. Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser,2018. Urbanization-the world of data https://ourworldindata.org/urbanization#number-of-people-living-in-urban-areas


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