IDS3073 FIU Workplace Related Activities Questions

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Firstly, learning and demonstrating knowledge through teaching: A lot of learning happens when we teach. In fact, the teacher often benefits as much or more from the learning exchange as the student. This is because the process of guiding others requires the teacher to adapt and enlarge what they know to fit the needs, investments, and attention span of the student.

This process helps to focus efforts on what’s important and what can be left out. You and your teammates will demonstrate your knowledge of the skills, practices, and attitudes necessary to design your way forward as an undergraduate at FlU by producing a compelling lesson and assignment for future students.

Secondly, using what you know from this class and the skills and experiences that each of you brought with you to this class) to help the next Cornerstone cohort: As the next cohort walks in your footsteps, designing their way forward as FlU undergraduates, this is your opportunity to leave something behind to guide them. Your work for this assignment is not a one-and-done submission; nor is your work just another way for me to assign grades. The lesson that you imagine, test, design, and share will contribute meaningfully to the dynamic and growing pool of shared knowledge about how students can design their way through a course of study that truly serves each person’s goals.

The design occasion: You and your team will question, imagine, prototype, design, and share an assignment or item of original course content for the next cohort of Cornerstone students. Although I’II be reading (listening to or experiencing) your team’s submission and providing feedback, the audience for your work is a new Cornerstone cohort – because they haven’t done the reading and participated in our exchanges, they will need to have everything explained thoroughly. Imagine how many questions you would have as a student while you are developing this assignment.

  • Resource page; use your research skills, imagination, and personal experiences to create a digital resource page with a short useful explanation of each resource (books, articles, videos etc.) and hyperlinks to each listed source.
  • Your page should cover a specific topic in more depth than we did in class. Ex: Networking for Undergraduates Resource page OR Things to Do When You Are Emotionally and Intellectually Stuck page. This should not be simply a resource page of all the information that already exists in the course.

    Answer these questions:

    • Did you start by brainstorming possible projects? How did those brainstorming sessions go?
    • How did your team decide on this choice and how did the idea develop? Did you want to improve course materials or add something that was missing that would have been useful to you?
    • If you had more time and resources, would your submission be different? How so?

    5) Reflection Letter: An individual letter to me from each team member.

    Every student should write and submit a reflection letter. Only 1 group member needs to submit the group project (include the names of every member), however, everyone needs to submit the reflection letter.

    Questions are included below.

    Assignment Requirements

    1) A title that gets work done.

    Remember that 6-word title for each of your

    Odyssey Plans? This is like that, create a meaningful title that tells the reader a bit about what to expect.

    What would grab your attention?

    2) Learning goals.

    Your team’s submission must have a mission. Tell students using your materials or participating in your lesson what you hope they will gain by their efforts.

    What is your objective or goal for them? What is their takeaway?

    3) Content that is curated and/or designed by your team for this submission.

    Everyone should be contributing to this. Who was responsible for each part of this project?

    A short cover sheet explaining your team’s design process.

    This should be a very succinct explanation of about 2 paragraphs or 350 words. This isthe group project coversheet. I will include an editable pdf as well.

    Think about the design process… remember that the steps are: empathize/identify, define, ideate (brainstorm like in the mind-mapping), prototype (create a beta version), and test.

    Required Assignment

    Submission Parts

    1. Group Project Template Coversheet
    2. Explanation of Team’s Design Process
    3. Project Artifact – The project modality you have chosen (ex: Lecture Video)
    4. Dear Professor Reflection letter

    Part 3 | Reflection Letter Dear


    Step 1.

    Write a paragraph addressed to a student in the class next year. What advice would you give them for success?

    Step 2.

    Share the following with an explanation why:

    • What was your favorite assignment or topic?
    • What did you find most helpful (favorite and helpful do not necessarily align or overlap)?
      What did you enjoy most about this class?
    • What was the least relevant to you? (Everyone is at a different part/phase/journey so these answers will all look different.)
    • What would you like included?

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