Imagine that you and your friend have been invited to the wedding of a common friend of yours in one months’ time and need to buy a Honeymoon package as a wedding present. Explain the process you and

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Imagine that you and your friend have been invited to the wedding of a common friend of yours in one months’ time and need to buy a Honeymoon package as a wedding present. Explain the process you and your friend/s would go through.

1.       Explain Consumer behaviour using value framework and perception maps.

2.       Explain Internal Determinants of Consumer Behaviour and apply it to your product.

3.       Explain External Determinants of Consumer Behaviour and apply it to your product.

4.       Explain the theory of Evaluation of Alternatives and apply it to your product.

5.       Explain the theory of Purchase Decision and apply it to your product.

6.       Explain the theory of Post-Purchase Behaviour and apply it to your product.

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