Imagine this scenario: As Hollywood Organic Co-op’s IT manager, your next task is examining how the data elements fit into the overall document life cycle along with the proper security controls to p

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Imagine this scenario:

As Hollywood Organic Co-op’s IT manager, your next task is examining how the data elements fit into the overall document life cycle along with the proper security controls to protect PII both while stored and exchanged across the 5 locations. You will present the information to the CEO and CIO.

Create a 16- to 20-slide presentation about how the EDMS will classify and protect data in which you:

  • Identify the metadata (i.e., descriptive information) that must be provided for each type of document.
  • Determine the location where the documents are stored at each stage of a document’s life cycle (e.g., servers in the data center, employee computers, etc.).
  • Provide a recommendation and description of the cybersecurity framework for the new EDMS security design.
  • Justify how the recommended cybersecurity framework best supports the security design and electronic document life cycle framework.
  • Identify a list of tools that will be used to monitor data protection at all 5 locations.

Ensure your presentation is media-rich or includes voice-over with detailed speaker notes.

Cite references to support your assignment.

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