Instructions: Students use theories (Ketchen & Berg chapter 1 referenced below covers the theories of Contingency Theory and Strategic Change/Social Change) as inspiration and practice through cre

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Instructions: Students use theories (Ketchen & Berg chapter 1 referenced below covers the theories of Contingency Theory and Strategic Change/Social Change) as inspiration and practice through creating:

A 3D example of one theory:


A theory Practice Quiz:

Must show application of the theory and include 5 or more quiz questions or quizlet cards

Ketchen, D. J., & Bergh, D. D. (2004). Research Methodology in Strategy and Management: Vol. 1st ed. JAI Press Inc.

Here are some additional resources for you to start researching more about the two theories

Contingency Theory

Strategic Change

Feel free to explore more sources!

Checklist for assignment

  1. Student uses 3D tool to create visual example of 1 theory or to create a practice quiz using both research theories
  2. Student explains why he or she chose the digital tool to showcase learning of the concept
  3. Student explains how theories contribute to developing research projects (research example or summary of a research project)
  4. Includes a reference list

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