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Planning a Study Worksheet Section I. Instructions: Design the first part a study using quantitative data on three topics of interest to you. Complete each of the following parts of the design: 1. Topic: Research question: Hypothesis: Your independent variable of the hypothesis above: Your dependent variable of the hypothesis: The unit of analysis for your study: _________________________ 2. Topic: Research question: Hypothesis: Your independent variable of the hypothesis above: Your dependent variable of the hypothesis: The unit of analysis for your study: _________________________ 3. Topic: Research question: Hypothesis: Your independent variable of the hypothesis above: Your dependent variable of the hypothesis: The unit of analysis for your study: _________________________ Section II. Instructions: Identify the unit of analysis for each of the following research topics: 1. How people have modified shopping behavior as a result of technology 2. How are individuals with major mental disorders portrayed on prime-time television series 3. Do street gangs exhibit characteristics of teamwork 4. Are there common themes in suicide note 5. What are the factors that foster group creativity Section III. Instructions: Please review the website The Owl at Purdue: APA Style Guide by following this link: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html Using APA Format, create a reference page using the sources below. Article in Journal: Authors: Robin Engels and Eric Silver Date: 2001 Title: Policing Mentally Disordered Suspects: A Reexamination of the Criminalization Hypothesis Journal: Criminology Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Pages: 225-252 Book: Authors: John Monahan, Henry Steadman, Eric Silver, Paul Appelbaum, Pamala Clark Robbins, Edward Mulvey, Loren Roth, Thomas Grisso, and Steven Banks Date: 2001 Title: Rethinking Risk Assessment: The MacArthur Study of Mental Disorder and Violence Publisher: Oxford University Press City and State of Publisher: New York, NY Article or Chapter in an Edited Book: Authors of Chapter: Virginia Hiday and Pamela Burns Date: 2010 Title of Chapter: Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System Pages of Chapter: 478-498 Editors of Book: Theresa Scheid and Nancy Brown Title of Book: A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories, and Systems Publisher: Cambridge University Press. City and State of Publisher: New York, NY Government Source: Author: Pamala Ditton Date of Report: May 1999 Report Title: Special report: Mental Health Treatment of Inmates and Probationers Publication Number: NVJ 174463 Publishing Agency: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics City and State of Publication: Washington, D.C. Website: Authors: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Title: Resources for Families dealing with Mental and Substance Use Disorders Last Updated: 10/24/2019 Web Address: https://www.samhsa.gov/families References


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