Need help with my writing homework on Global Warming, Space Exploration, and Human Extinction. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

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Need help with my writing homework on Global Warming, Space Exploration, and Human Extinction. Write a 1250 word paper answering; In a report by Cain, he showed how some researchers found that global warming is not only caused by greenhouse gases. Although those gases are still major components of global warming, the sun is also at fault. The sun continues to increase its energy output that within a billion years, every ocean in the world could evaporate.

One billion years is definitely a long time. However, the livability of the earth may not reach that long. Although the ideal livable temperature for humans is just 59 degrees Fahrenheit (“Greenhouse Effect”), the average global temperature five years ago has already reached 58 degrees Fahrenheit (Baez). Between 1880 and 2004, the average world temperature was 1 Fahrenheit lower than in 2005. Given that the abundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hastens temperature rise, humans could only be counting hundreds of years before the earth becomes totally unlivable.

Aside from the constant rise in temperature which could eventually make the world unlivable, the possibility of asteroids hitting the earth is another reason why humans need to find another livable planet. Although there is a very little chance of asteroids hitting the earth, its dangers are not entirely negligible. For instance, Brain predicts that an asteroid will pass by so close to the earth in 2028 that a slight change in its path or in the Earth’s orbit could spell catastrophe. Of course, that asteroid would not destroy the entire Earth (if it does hit it) but it could wipe out a whole city nonetheless.&nbsp.

Another asteroid, that has the power of 20 million atomic bombs, could hit the earth in 2014. This is enough power to eliminate a huge portion, if not the whole, of the human race. However, scientists made it clear that its chance of hitting the earth is less than one in 900,000. The point here though is that asteroids can really put an end to the human race. In a very unpredictable universe, an asteroid could finally end the Earth’s 4.5 billion years of existence.&nbsp.One should not forget a popular theory about the extinction of dinosaurs. There might come a time in the future when the collision between Earth and a very massive asteroid would become inevitable.&nbsp.

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