Organizations can be subjected to bad press easily in this age of global communication. Offending groups of stakeholders or consumers can have lasting and widespread consequences for a company. An org

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Organizations can be subjected to bad press easily in this age of global communication. Offending groups of stakeholders or consumers can have lasting and widespread consequences for a company. An organization may be linked to a CEO, public figure, or celebrity brand endorser. When consumers hear about the individual, they automatically make a connection with the brand or organization and vice versa. This is advantageous when the “face of the company” is viewed positively. But when controversy strikes, that association can have a detrimental effect on the company and send it into crisis management.

Find a spokesperson or leader of an organization who recently did or said something which reflected poorly on the entity. It may be a current news story or conduct internet searches for an incident (less than a year old).

You will write a 1-½ page report:

  • Provide a brief background of the incident and how the company was affected in the news, social media, etc.
  • Critique how the company reacted. This is your opinion as an affected party.

The report is written in 1st person.

Organizations can be subjected to bad press easily in this age of global communication. Offending groups of stakeholders or consumers can have lasting and widespread consequences for a company. An org
0 BUS 303 SLP3 Your Name Trident University International BUS 303 Business Communications Due Date BUS303 SLP3 Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key) or paragraph formatting (see below). The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (bold or plain) are set in APA format. While you may change the names of the headings, do not change the formatting or style of font. This template uses Times New Roman 12-point. You may also use: Calibri (11), Arial (11), Georgia (11) or Lucida Sans Unicode (10). The Incident Provide a brief background of the incident and how the company was affected in the news, social media, etc. This section must contain research. The proper format for citations: (Last name, year). The punctuation goes after the citation not at the end of the sentence. If no author is stated: (Short Title of Article, year). The punctuation goes after the citation not at the end of the sentence. Critique Critique how the company reacted. This is your opinion as an affected party. The report is written in 1st person. Conclusion Add concluding remarks-can be a sentence or two. References Below are some basic rules to follow when creating a reference list: Begin your reference list on a new page The word References should be centered and bold at the top of the page Double-space your reference list For each author, list the last name first followed by the initials for their first and middle names Arrange your reference list alphabetically by the last name of the author Use a hanging indent after the first line of your citation (Word does this for you). Type your entry and then click “Paragraph” on the HOME tab to create the “hanging indent.” APA has a handout for the most common types of references

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