Overview Assessment 2 aims to utilise the property investment analysis process in assessing property assets for investment purposes. Details Your client Jane Doe is keen to make her first property inv

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Assessment 2 aims to utilise the property investment analysis process in assessing property assets for investment purposes.


Your client Jane Doe is keen to make her first property investment in Australia. She is considering buying a residential property and renting it out for income. She plans to use her own equity to purchase the property and does not require borrowing. Jane intends to hold the property for five (5) years.

You are assigned to source and analyse your client’s two (2) potential residential investment properties. However, your client has a limited amount of funds and only one property can be purchased. You will submit a report containing the results of your investment analysis and recommendations.

Overview Assessment 2 aims to utilise the property investment analysis process in assessing property assets for investment purposes. Details Your client Jane Doe is keen to make her first property inv
Property Investment 200749 Property Investment Analysis Overview Assessment 2 aims to utilise the property investment analysis process in assessing property assets for investment purposes. Details Your client Jane Doe is keen to make her first property investment in Australia. She is considering buying a residential property and rent it out for income. She plans to use her own equity to purchase the property and does not require any borrowing. Jane intends to hold the property for five (5) years. You are assigned to source and analyse two (2) possible residential investment properties for your client. However, your client has a limited amount of fund and only one property can be purchased. You will submit a report containing the results of your investment analysis and recommendations. There are four major parts of this report: Part Details Introduction You should provide concise descriptions of the properties and an overall outline of your analysis method. Market Analysis This section should present data and discussion on the current condition of the market regarding, but not limited to, supply/demand level, current condition of the property cycle, cap rates (current yields), vacancy rates and rental value trend, etc. Investment Analysis By using the collected data, conduct a detailed investment analysis. The analysis should include: A discounted cash flow NPV and IRR The main assumptions (growth rates, discount rate, resale yield) used in the analysis should be clearly explained and rationalised. Conclusion Recommendations and This section should provide a conclusion for the report. Your recommendations should be given regarding why it should be acquired. Note: Whilst the excel spreadsheets will be submitted, it is essential that the body of the report dis cusses and reports the results of the DCFs and does not simply say “refer to information in the excel files”. Marking Criteria and Guidelines Criteria Weighting Introduction 10% Market Analysis 20% Investment Analysis 20% Conclusion and Recommendations 20% Excel Files 20% Referencing Harvard UWS Style 5% Format 5% Property Investment 200749 Property Investment Analysis Submission requirements Assignments must be submitted: • Electronically via the Dropbox on vUWS only. (Should submit both main report and DCF Calculation) • You also need to submit the main report through Turnitin See: http://library.uws.edu.au/uws_libr ary/guides/turnitin • Hard copies or submissions via email will not be accepted. • Before 6.00 pm on Thursday , 2 4 September 20 20 . Any assignment submitted via vUWS after 6.00 pm will be a utomatically marked as “late submission”. • Students must attach a completed Assignment Cover Sheet in the report. Guidelines for naming files and attachments • Save your word document as a PDF. See: https://createpdf.adobe.com/ The DCF calculations should be in EXCEL. • You should submit a maximum of 2 files only; one for the main report (in PDF) and one for t he spreadsheets (in EXCEL). • Name your file in the following order: FAMILY NAME first then your First Name, then the File Name with only an underscore for spacing, e.g; o TAOUM _Kamel _Investment_Report.pdf o TAOUM _Kamel _DCFs.xlsx • Type your name and student number on every page by using the Header. Type the unit name and assignment title using the Footer. • Insert ‘page numbers’ in the Footer. • Cut and paste the Assignment Cover Sheet to the front of your assignment. Download from: www.uws.edu. au/__data/assets/word…/Assignment_Cover_Sheet.doc. SECTION 2: PRESENTATION (10%) Details • Students will present Discounted Cash Flow Analysis of Assignment 2_Section 1 • Present a brief description of the investment property and key assumptions (eg, growth rate, cap rate etc.) for the analysis and how you derive the key calculations (eg, NPV, IRR etc.) • Each presentation should be no more than 3 min (between 2~3 min/ Max 3min) • External students need to record the presentation and upl oad to dropbox on vUWS. You can use your mobile phone to record the presentation. (Video recording) • Please be aware that max file size for uploading Drop -Box is 20MB so you need to resize it if you have a bigger recording file • Internal Student presentati ons will be carried out during tutorials (Week 12 & 13) and a schedule of individual presentation will be posted on vUWS Marking Criteria and Standards • Submission: A separate furnished power point slide (maximum 2 slides) • Content and rationale: Stu dents will present a brief description of the investment property and key assumptions for the analysis. (4 marks) • Analysis: Describe calculations and your recommendation on the property. (4 marks) • Presentati on: Organisation of material, use of visual aids (overheads, PowerPoint, table, charts, diagrams etc.). Avoid reading directly from prepared text. (2 mark) Property Investment 200749 Property Investment Analysis Submission requirements PPT slide must be submitted: • Electronically on vUWS (via Turnitin) • Hard copies or submissions via email will not be accepted. • Before 6.00 pm on Thursday , 2 4 September 2020 . Any assignment submitted via vUWS after 6.00 pm sharp will be automatically marked as “late submission”. • No Cover Sheet needed for this PPT slide. Guidelines for naming files and attachments Save your slides in a ppt/pptx format (Microsoft PowerPoint). Name your file in the following order: FAMILY NAME first then your First Name, then the Presentation_Tutorial class_Group with only an underscore for spacing, e.g.; KAMEL Taoum _Presentation_1pm_Group 1


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