Pollination Discussion Question

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Discussion Question 1: Bacteria are Prokaryotes. Why do you think so many diseases are caused by prokaryotic organisms?

Discussion Question 2:  So science requires critical thinking……… and we must think critically to vote.  So comment please on this article below……….

Yep, Rapper B.o.B Is Crowdfunding Satellites to Prove Earth Is Flat http://go.newsfusion.com/science-news/item/5183739 (Links to an external site.)

Discussion Question 3: This question was submitted from J. Brennan to one of my favorites, Ask Marilyn by Marilyn vos Savant in Parade March 30, 2008. “”Scientists have warned physicians not to prescribe antibiotics because the microbes that develop immunities to the drugs may evolve into invincible “super bugs”. Yet we’re taught that evolution takes place over millions of years. Explain how microbes are able to get onto the evolutionary fast track?” How can they  evolve/mutate so quickly?

Discussion Question 4: Some common myths about vaccinations include: they don’t work, they aren’t necessary, they are dangerous and they cause Asberger Syndrome.  How can you refute these statements? Consider smallpox, consider the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, consider side effects and the risks and benefits.  How might this question be related to evolution or the adaptation of bacteria? 

Title: How the anti-vaccine movement crept into the GOP mainstream
Link: https://politi.co/2JGynv0 (Links to an external site.)

Discussion Question 5: If a young child asks you where apples come from, what could you tell them from what you have learned in this lesson about pollination and flowers etc? (or peaches, or pears, or any other fruit)

Discussion Question 6: What do you want to comment about?  Your choice as related to the content or science of the lesson.

Discussion Question 7: Choose one or two plants and talk specific structures that allow them to survive and successfully reproduce – the weirder the better. For instance: the venus fly trap, cacti, parasitic plants.  


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