PSY7709 UNIT 7

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Unit 7

  • Extinction


    When observing the behavior of clients, we often see behaviors that are considered disruptive or challenging. These behaviors are interfering with the client’s ability to learn or interact successfully with peers and the environment. The process of extinction can be used to decrease or eliminate these challenging behaviors. Extinction is a basic principle of behavior and is supported by years of basic and applied research demonstrating its effectiveness. Having a strong understanding of extinction is very important to know how to apply it. In this unit, you will further explore the basic principle of extinction and its side effects.

    Instructional Activities

    In this unit, you will complete instructional activities through your participation in an ICS, a quiz, and formative multimedia activities. The BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.) elements covered during these activities include:

    • B-09: Define and provide examples of operant extinction.

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    [u07s1] Unit 7 Study 1



    Use your Behavior Modification text to read the following:

    • Chapter 5, “Extinction,” pages 91–102.

    Use the Internet to read the following:

    Learning Components

    This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

    • Define the concept of extinction in the context of applied behavior analysis.
  • ABA Terminology Flashcards – Unit 7

    In each unit, you are provided with resources to help you study and practice behavior analysis terminology. Mastering the terminology during your program will provide you with a solid foundation for developing examples of these terms and ultimately for practical application in the field.

    • Click the linked ABA Terminology Flashcards – Unit 7 title above to launch the media and master your knowledge of the terms used in this unit.

    Note: This media piece is included in your required instructional activities. Although you will not receive a grade for this activity, you must complete it to pass the course. You are required to answer each question correctly to receive credit for completing this activity.

    An ABA Media Best Practices guide is located in the resources. Follow the practices in this guide to have the best possible experience with the media and to make sure you get credit for this activity.

    Learning Components

    This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

    • Define common terms used in the field of applied behavior analysis.


  • Instructor Contact Session

    In this two-hour session, your instructor talks about specific topics related to ABA. Listen to the lecture, and then participate in the session by responding to any ASR questions through polls, participating in small breakout groups, and engaging in discussions with your peers and instructor in the chat area.

    ICSs are not graded, but you must attend and participate in seven out of 10 of these sessions to pass the course. Participation is defined as:

    • Attending ICS by phone or Zoom.
    • Actively providing spoken or written input during ICS.
    • Responding to a majority of the ASRs through polls in Zoom.

    If you are going to miss a session, you must notify your instructor in advance. It is strongly recommended that you view the recordings of any sessions that you miss.

    Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.


  • Extinction Side-Effects

    Each week you must provide an initial post responding to one of the discussion board prompt options. Please include the discussion prompt you are addressing in the subject line of your post.

    Review the posts of other learners and engage in two responses to a learner or learners in any discussion board prompt. (You may respond to the same learner twice in a conversation.)

    General Guidelines

    Your responses should be substantive and demonstrate your understanding of the material. In this, and in all of your courseroom posts, be sure to keep your tone respectful and professional. Use the name of the peer you are addressing. Cite any references according to APA guidelines.

    Unit 7, Discussion Prompt Option 1

    Real Life

    Extinction is a procedure that allows us to decrease or completely remove behaviors by withholding the reinforcer that previously maintained that behavior. This procedure can be extremely effective; however, it is important to consider the potential side effects before deciding if this is the right approach for any behavior.

    Consider a time where one of your behaviors was placed on extinction by someone else. How did encountering extinction feel and did you engage in any of the side effects?

    Unit 7, Discussion Prompt Option 2

    What Do You Think?

    For more information on extinction, spontaneous recovery, and resistance to extinction, from the Internet, read Bereavement: A Behavioural Process which discusses a behavior analytic conceptualization of grief.

    Discuss your interpretation, thoughts, or questions.

    Unit 7, Discussion Prompt Option 3

    Ask, Answer, Share

    In this thread, you have the opportunity to engage with your peers about the content of the unit in your current environment! Do you have a question for your peers about their experiences with the terms in a clinical setting? Do you wish to share an example of how you understand these terms as they relate to your life or experience? This is a space for peer engagement which will be monitored by your instructor, but if you have specific questions for your instructor please use the Ask Your Instructor forum, email, or course messages.

    Learning Components

    This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

    • Explain the side-effects of extinction.


  • Quiz 7

    This quiz covers elements from the BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.) in this unit. This quiz will help you and your instructor to assess your learning gains and mastery of the relevant learning objectives and the following course competency:

    • Competency 2: Analyze the principles of behavior associated with response rates and stimulus control.

    Please carefully read the following instructions before beginning the quiz:

    • You must complete and submit the quiz by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Central time.
    • Do not start the quiz until you are fully prepared to complete it (that is, all unit study activities must be completed). The quiz must be completed without referring to reading materials, study aids (for example, flash cards), or notes. A dictionary is permitted to check spelling, however a glossary is not permitted. Contact with other learners or any informant is expressly prohibited during a quiz.
    • There is no time limit for this or any other courseroom quizzes.
    • You may retake this quiz up to a maximum of three attempts. If you have any incorrect answers, this allows you to study related content before the next quiz attempt. The average of your scores will be recorded as your grade.

    Click the linked quiz title to access the quiz. If you have any issues with the quiz, contact your instructor.


  • Periodically, information will be posted in this space for the good of the class.

  • This forum was created to provide a convenient space for you to ask questions—questions about particular assignment and discussion activities, questions about the course in general, questions about expectations. If there is something that you feel you could use help with, please post your question here. Most likely, some of your classmates will have the same concern, so your post may help several learners. If you feel your question is private, please use the Messages tool found under Notifications.

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