Select ONE one well-known sport figure (athlete/coach) (could be current, could be historical) who falls into any minority category within any area of oppression. This figure could be a woman, an Afr

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Select ONE one well-known sport figure (athlete/coach) (could be current, could be historical) who falls into any minority category within any area of oppression.  This figure could be a woman, an African American, an athlete with a disability, a gay football player, an elderly special Olympian, for example.  Write a short biographical paper about this person describing what they have done to pave the way for other minority athletes.  This paper should include a TITLE PAGE, an introductory paragraph that has a strong THESIS statement, 2 pages max in text describing who this person is and what they have accomplished as a minority and describe what makes them a barrier breaker, a conclusion and a REFERENCES page.  This paper must be in APA format.

I choose to work with Althea Gibson. she is the first black woman to win a tennis Grand Slam.

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