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Choose THIS assignment OR the Alternative “JIll Bolte Taylor” assignment, not both!

(You are welcome to do both if you want, but only one is required. If you do both, I will grade both. If you do only one, you’ll get a “dash” or “-” in the gradebook for the one you don’t do, and it won’t hurt your grade.)

Purpose of the assignment:

Sometimes, just reading about the parts and pieces of our biological anatomy seems bland and “rote memorization.”  Recognizing the power of the brain, and the many, many ways it is serving you and growing and learning, can help you apply this to “real world” issues and make it come to life a bit! 

What do I ask you to do?

Watch both of these short (five minutes, ish) videos.

What percentage of your brain do you use?Links to an external site. 

The benefits of a bilingual brainLinks to an external site.

Address the questions below in an essay

  • Questions:

First video: What did you learn from this video? What mistakes or misunderstandings did it clear up for you?  Reflect a bit on how this video relates to the chapter/class material this week. How can you relate this to your life?

Second video: What did you learn from this video? What mistakes or misunderstandings did it clear up for you?  Reflect a bit on how this video relates to the chapter/class material this week. How can you relate this to your life? 

Find me another video about brain science that caught your interest, and explain in a short paragraph how it relates to the material we learned in class this week, and why it connects for you. Be sure to connect it to a few different concepts/facts/ideas from our chapter. (include the link, please)

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