The Globe Project Discussion

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Go to the GLOBE website at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  and review the information on the studies. You may also want to read  the Grove (n.d.) and Hoppe (2007) papers that summarize the studies  linked in the required reading. After reviewing this information,  include the following in your posting:

Describe the usefulness of the data and findings from the GLOBE project.
What is one of the major criticisms of the GLOBE project?
Select a country or culture group from the data via the following link – (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  Briefly describe the culture and leadership visualization and what it  tells you about the leaders of this country or culture. How do they  compare to the average GLOBE score?
What does your learning about this study and the data tell you in terms of leadership in global organizations?

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