There is a case attached in the files. The case starts from 55th page and ends upto 74th page. The case is: The Panic of 2008 and Brexit: Regional Integration versus Nationalism Instructions • Review

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There is a case attached in the files.

The case starts from 55th page and ends upto 74th page.

The case is:

The Panic of 2008 and Brexit: Regional Integration versus Nationalism


• Review readings from unit 1.

• Thoroughly read the case. It is recommended that you read 2-3 times.

• Prepare a 5-page report (12-point font, double spaced not including the title page or reference page), that addresses the following questions:

1.Why is the Brexit vote significant both within the UK and globally?

2.What are the potential implications for the Brexit vote in relation to Canada’s relationship with the EU and the UK?

3.What are the key challenges facing leadership in the UK in light of the Brexit vote?

Your report should contain:



Problem statement

Proper recommendations section

Action plan


You must include 5 academic and non academic reference

There is a case attached in the files. The case starts from 55th page and ends upto 74th page. The case is: The Panic of 2008 and Brexit: Regional Integration versus Nationalism Instructions • Review
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