Leading Change management assignment help

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In his book Leading Change (HBS Press 1996), John Kotter states:

“A strategy of embracing the past will probably become increasingly ineffective over the next few decades. Better for most of us to start learning now how to cope with change, to develop whatever leadership potential we have, and to help our organizations in the transformation process. Better for most of us, despite the risks, to leap into the future. And to do so sooner rather than later.”

Do you agree with the author? If he is correct, how can we apply that to our own career plans?

we will review and discuss change as well as risk taking…. how do those words make you feel? Some are intimidated by change, others welcome it. Nonetheless, at times we are forced to change as a result of circumstances beyond our control. As a result of our recent global economic changes, taking a career risk may be unplanned. From the author’s opinion, (as shared above) do you agree or disagree? If he is correct, how can we apply that to our own career plans? Please discuss your thoughts ( in as much detail as possible). Please make it three separate posts.


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