world mythology term paper

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Argue the case for the the thesis that you proposed in the World Mythology Term Paper Proposal utilizing one of the myths we have covered (or will cover) in class (Ramayana, Metamorphoses, Trickster Tales, or one of the many myths in Parallel Myths, but substantiated by a long, classical source of the myth) and a modern myth of your own choosing (film, story, etc.). You have already found your sources and outlined your paper in the World Mythology Term Paper Outline assignment, so now is when you actually write your final edited paper. Your term paper must be at least 1500 words minimum, and includes the following:

1. Thesis (note with an asterisk: *)

2. 5 sources, 2 of them books, cited in proper MLA format.

3. 8 quotes (not paraphrases! actual quotes from sources, in “”) minimum from your sources, including the theorist.

4. Support your argument with quotes from the theorist you picked in your proposal from Parallel Myths.

5. Exposition and analysis of your classical myth, with appropriate classical & legitimate source.

6. Exposition and analysis of your modern myth.

Must be detailed and I will provide the books

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