reflection paper 99

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Your reflection paper should be no less than two to three pages in length, double-spaced with proper formatting and titles, and include:

  • A written summary of your project;
    • This should involve an overview detailing the project that you completed, tracing the evolution of the theme and discipline(s) over the years and across the cultures, and explaining/defending your focal points. Mention the sources you used to support your exploration and explain why they were effective. Include a Works Cited Page.
  • Why you chose this discipline and theme(s) and why they appeal to you;
    • Many of these disciplines are timeless and enduring for a reason; why did these appeal to you and your group specifically, and what makes this personal/interesting for you?
  • Any additional insights about the discipline and theme(s) that you explored;
    • Sometimes upon completion, it is frustrating to look back and see what else you might have included, or even deleted. This is your opportunity to convey that information to me individually and in an articulate manner. What would you have changed, if anything? What would you like to add on to your project, and – if applicable – what might you have done differently if you had been working alone?
  • Your favorite component of your finished project;
  • The benefits and challenges of working alone or in a group, depending on your experience: You can also use the peer evaluation rubric below to breakdown working with each teammate. This will not impact his/her score, but it will provide me with some insight and allow you to share your opinions;

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