write a short discussion for 400-500 words Discuss the impact of spiritual beliefs or current social and political issues in the work of Indigenous artists living in Canada. You must post and image

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write a short discussion for 400-500 words

Discuss the impact of spiritual beliefs or current social and political issues in the work of Indigenous artists living in Canada.  You must post and image of their work and discuss it (don’t use one shown in your textbook or already posted by a fellow student).

write a short discussion for 400-500 words Discuss the impact of spiritual beliefs or current social and political issues in the work of Indigenous artists living in Canada. You must post and image
Art of the Americas after 1300 I want to begin these study notes with the question that is asked in your textbook:  Craft or Art?  Many societies do not separate material objects into either craft or art.  There is not a hierarchy of materials or subjects like those laid down by the French Royal Academy.  The people of Asia are an excellent example of this as are those from the various regions of North, Central, and South America.  Also, these people did not adhere to the ideals as set out by Greece and Rome but, instead, from their own beliefs.   The people of the Aztec Empire used various material goods along with music and literature to give praise to their gods and to honour them.  The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican culture that lived in central Mexico for a little over two hundred years beginning in 1300.  The art of the Aztecs included beautiful jewellery made out of gold or silver.  They also worked with a variety of stones, including turquoise.  They used feathers to create objects of adornment and power.  They made pottery and sculpture. The Aztecs used ideograms to express their ideas. Ideograms are symbols that everyone understood when they saw them.   These included a variety of animals, including jaguars, eagles, snakes, and butterflies.  The gods of the Aztec were often depicted in the form of an animal.  Of great importance were the grand works of architecture and the calendar stones, one of which is shown in your text.  The Aztec actually have two calendars.  The one in your book is the Tonalpohualli.  This calendar is considered to be a tool for divination for it divides the days into rituals for each of the gods.  The Aztec believed that the world was always teetering towards destruction and that the two opposing divine forces must be kept in equilibrium.  Your textbook shows an artist’s reconstruction of one of the great pyramids of the Aztecs, Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan.  Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec Empire.  It is believed to be the largest city in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus.  At its centre stood Templo Mayor, a vital feature of the spiritual heart of the Aztec people.  It was here that religious ceremonies were held.  It was sixty-five metres high and had two grand staircases which you can see in the drawing in your text.  Notice how steep the stairs are.  Archaeologists believe that the design was made so that the gods could rise high above the ordinary people.  The temple had a sacrificial altar.  People were sacrificed to the two gods, Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli. Tlaloc was the god to appease to bring on a good rainy season for the harvests. Huitzilopochtli was the god of war and the patron deity of this capital city of the Aztec. While the Aztec had their capital, Tenochtitlan near to what is modern-day Mexico City, the Inca Empire was the most significant cultural group before the arrival of Columbus in South America.  Most of you probably know a lot about Machu Picchu.  The words mean ‘Old Mountain’.  The Inca were known for their exceptional skill at using stone for building.  Your text shows you the various ways that they constructed walls.  Machu Picchu was one of the cities of the Aztec empire. This saved city was built out of stone boulders joined together without mortar.  The fit was so tight that it was said you could not get a knife blade to fit between the stones.  It was a citadel or a fortress to protect the inhabitants and contains terraces, water channels, and temples.   It also had tombs, rooms for storing food, stairways and platforms.  It was connected to other Inca cities by a series of roads.  This critical site, high in the mountains of modern-day Peru, served, since the fifteenth century as a centre of Inca worship, of astronomy, and for the tombs of the Pachacutec, the 9th Inca Emperor. Look at the Inca tunic shown in your textbook.  Textiles were a vital commodity for the Inca.  Many were more valuable than anything made from gold or precious gemstones.  The women wove two types of fibres on backstrap looms.    They used the cotton from the plants that grew in the surrounding mountains and the fibres made from spinning alpaca wool.  The colours shown on the tunic in your text were made from natural dyes.  One of the most important was the dye made from the cochineal, small insects that live on cactus.  This dye was red while the blue colours come from the indigo plant.  Most of the garments were made from a single piece of woven material. These time-consuming textiles were worn by members of the royal family or given away as royal gifts.  Adding to the critical role that these tunics played for the Inca is the fact that some were burned as a sacrifice to Inti, the sun god.  Look at the beautiful coloured images of the baby carriers or the bandolier bags. See the detail.  Like the tunics of the Inca, these material objects took time and skill to make.  This is also true of the pottery made in the pueblos of the Southwest United States.  Your text only mentions Maria Martinez, but there were several well-known and very talented women who made ceramics.  I have asked you to watch a video of Maria Martinez.  This will show you the collecting of the materials, the processes of making and firing, that go into these highly desirable ceramics.  Like all of the art forms discussed in this unit, the ceramics also have symbols that are spiritually important to the people who make them. Youtube video notes YouTube “Maria Martinez: Indian Pottery of San Ildefonso (Documentary, 1972, VHS)” (26 mins) YouTube “HAIDA GWAII – Raven and the First Men” (3 mins)
write a short discussion for 400-500 words Discuss the impact of spiritual beliefs or current social and political issues in the work of Indigenous artists living in Canada. You must post and image
Assignment 2 – Discussion Posts (20% of Final Grade, or 4% for each posting) Instructions: You will complete a total of five discussion postings (in Unit 2,  4, 5, 8, & 10), between 400-500 words each, and include an image either taken by yourself or found online. You should explain how your chosen image relates to the specific question given for each unit discussion (listed below). You MUST cite the source of information and/or images you find using Chicago style.  Your post should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. These postings will be used to assess your understanding of materials and processes as well as the social, political, and religious role of art within each specific unit. You will also comment on at least 1 fellow student’s post for each unit. Respond to another student’s posting with a substantive comment that furthers the discussion of the theme or idea developed in their response. 2-3 sentences are sufficient. What constitutes a substantial comment? The following are examples for guidance: Substantial Comment: I was not aware that such a large portion of xxx work was related to the theme of xxx. I can see from your image that… this… Insubstantial Comment: I loved your image, it made me think about xxx in a new way. Thanks! Question for Each Unit Discussion: Graded Posting #1 (for Unit 2) Topic: Discuss the differences between Baroque art produced in Italy and those created in parts of Northern Europe such as The Netherlands. Post an image to support your discussion (don’t use one shown in your textbook or already posted by a fellow student). Graded Posting #2 (for Unit 4) Topic: Discuss the materials,  processes, and subjects of Japanese woodblock prints.  Post an image to support your discussion (don’t use one shown in your textbook or already posted by a fellow student). Graded Posting #3 (for Unit 5) Topic: Discuss the impact of spiritual beliefs or current social and political issues in the work of Indigenous artists living in Canada.  You must post an image of their work and discuss it (don’t use one shown in your textbook or already posted by a fellow student). Graded Posting #4 (for Unit 8 & 9) Topic: Compare the themes of the Social Realists to the Impressionists by using the work of two artists.  Students should examine the impact of Marx and Baudelaire on their topics. You must post and image of their work and discuss it (don’t use one shown in your textbook or already posted by a fellow student). Graded Posting #5 (for Unit 10 & 11) Topic: Relate how new scientific discoveries impacted the art of the early 20th century.  Each student is to post an image of a material object, a painting, or a building and discuss the subject with regard to it (don’t use one shown in your textbook or already posted by a fellow student). Due Date: Look at the Schedule for the specific due date and time. Citation Guidelines: It is Important to understand Copyright Information. PLEASE READ!  When you add images to your post, please be certain that you either own copyright or that the copyright owner allows distribution (for example, works with a Creative Commons licence can be shared and distributed without permission). For content on the Web without a Creative Commons licence or liberal terms of use, using a link, as opposed to posting the image directly into your assignment, is recommended. Often you can determine whether an image has Creative Commons license by simply clicking on it. Many images in Wikipedia have a Creative Commons license. Please use the following citations formats for your photo captions: If using photos from Flickr you need Title of photo. Author. Link to license i.e. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ If using photos from Wikipedia you need title, source, copyright status and link as in the following example: Constructing the Metropolitan Railway. Source: Wikimedia Commons [copyright expired] Public Domain. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Constructing_the_Metropolitan_Railway.png If using photos from Wikipedia with Creative Commons license you need title, link, author, license as in the following example:  Moon Phases http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Moon_phases_en.jpg Author: Orion 8. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. If you own copyright: © Author Name. Year. Permission granted by the author. Grading Rubric for Discussion Posting To receive full marks in each forum your submission must meet the following descriptors: Grading Rubric for Discussion Posting Mark Description 3.5-4 Excellent observations! The image that you selected was insightful into the themes or traditions presented in the unit. Your comments on another student’s posting were also very impressive. This grade demonstrates that you fully comprehend and are able to analyze and articulate the issues in the readings and other course content at an advanced level. 3 The image that you chose is good. It relates to the themes/traditions of the artistic period under discussion but not in a profound a manner as above. 2 Your posting and comments show an underdeveloped understanding of the theme. 0-1 Your posting or comment did not meet the minimum requirements of the assignment.


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