Write a summary about challanges of living on Tristan da cunha. Your summary should include negative points about living there and why life is so difficult, your summary should be 100 words long

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Write a summary about challanges of living on Tristan da cunha. Your summary should include negative points about living there and why life is so difficult, your summary should be 100 words long

Write a summary about challanges of living on Tristan da cunha. Your summary should include negative points about living there and why life is so difficult, your summary should be 100 words long
IGCSE ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ASSIGNMENT 05B © 2022, Wolsey Hall. All rights reserved. 1 IGCSE E2L Assignment F ive B READING Please write your answers on lined paper using black ink. Once your work is complete, scan the pages and upload to Canvas as a PDF. Read the article below about Tristan da Cu nha, the most remote island in the world. Write a summary about the challenges of living on Tristan da Cunha. Your summary should include the negative points about living there and why life is so difficult. Your summary should be about 100 words long (and no more than 120 words long). You should use your own words as far as possible. You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your summary, and up to 8 marks for the style and accuracy of your language. (Total 16 marks) Life on Tristan da Cunha – the most remote island in the world On arriving on Tristan da Cunha, an island in the South Atlantic Ocean, visitors are greeted by a sign reading ‘Welcome to the Remotest Island’. Situated over 2300 kilometres from the nearest continent, Tristan da Cunha is certainly remote. For visitors, and indeed residents, the only way to access the island is by boat, meaning only a few determined people make the journey each year. For those that do, it’s a once -in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn what living on this remote island is like. Visitors might be surprised to see an internet café there, although internet connection can sometimes be slow. Tristan da Cunha is home to around 250 inhabitants, all of whom live in the island’s village – officially called Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, but known locally as ‘The Settlement’. As well as earning some income from tourism, most families make a living from fishing. One benefit of the island’s remote location is that fish stocks are high in Tristan da Cunha’s unpolluted seas. Another mai n source of income is the sale of Tristan da Cunha’s rare stamps and coins to collectors all around the world. In addition to fishing, all families on Tristan da Cunha are involved in farming. However, there’s a limited amount of flat land available to far m. Tristan da Cunha’s solution to this problem is typical of its strong spirit of cooperation: rather than land being owned by individuals, it is owned by the whole island. Three kilometres from the village is an area of land called ‘The Patches’. Each fam ily has a small piece of land here to grow potatoes, an essential ingredient in their diet. Sheep and cattle are also kept on the island. These are protected against the spread of agricultural diseases from other countries by thousands of kilometres of oce an. The focus on farming means the islanders produce a lot of their own food: vegetables, meat, milk and eggs. Other groceries can be bought from the island’s store, which provides essential imported products such as flour and sugar. Unlike at a supermarke t in a more populated part of the world, customers at the island’s store must order their goods months in advance. And even when the boats bringing their supplies do eventually arrive in the island’s waters, storms frequently prevent them IGCSE ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ASSIGNMENT 05B © 2022, Wolsey Hall. All rights reserved. 2 from reaching land. As a consequence, residents often experience delays in getting hold of their supplies. As well as houses for its inhabitants, the island has a post office, two churches and a hospital, although people have to travel to South Africa for any s pecialist medical treatment. Residents also have an electricity supply which can at times be unreliable. Children attend St Mary’s School, which contains five classrooms, a library, a room for craft and science, and a cookery room. Just like anywhere else in the world, school children on Tristan da Cunha have lessons and take part in sports, concerts and competitions. Families on Tristan da Cunha, however, believe that their children are luckier than most – they are growing up as part of one of the friendliest communities in the world. Guidance for this assignment Writing a summary is very different from other exam questions. Stick to the word limit; the examiner will not mark more than 120 words. For more guidance on Summary writing, see Page 40 in your Writing and Grammar Practice Book. You should not write an introduction or conclusion, begin the summary immediately. You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your summary and up to 8 marks for the style and accuracy of your language as follows: Content: 8 marks for content = 8 separate points noticed. • Use your highlighter as you read throug h the text to identify the different points. • See pages 192/193 in your course book and watch the Summary Writing PowerPoint available on the Canvas assignment page. Writing: 8 marks for style and accuracy . You will be marked for accuracy and using connective/linking words. • See Page 156 in the course book and also watch the INTERACT – Discursive Writing (CAIE) link available on the Canvas assignment page. TOTAL FOR ASSIGNMENT 16 MARKS


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