Therapist notices the self-stimulatory behavior. Therapist counts to five on his hand and then redirects to another academic activity. They start doing a card program.

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QUESTION 1 of 12

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Therapist is reading aloud to the whole group. Student: The expectation is that she should be sitting quietly.
QUESTION 2 of 12

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Student mocks the teacher’s voice and copies exactly what the teacher is saying in a silly voice.
QUESTION 3 of 12

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Therapist ignores the student. Student stopped engaging in the attention-seeking behavior.
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QUESTION 4 of 12

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Therapist and student are working at a table and the student notices a permanent marker. The student requests the item. Therapist says, I am sorry but you cannot have this marker. It is off limits.
QUESTION 5 of 12

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Student drops to the floor and begins to cry.
QUESTION 6 of 12

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Therapist says, Emily, show me waiting (while counting on his fingers to five). Student calms down. Therapist says, Thank you for calming down. Then redirects to another location. Therapist says, Emily, you can make a different choice. Would you rather have access to a book or a puzzle? Emily says, A book. Therapist says, Great choice!

Therapist is reading aloud to the whole group. Student: The expectation is that she should be sitting quietly.


Student mocks the teacher’s voice and copies exactly what the teacher is saying in a silly voice.


Therapist ignores the student. Student stopped engaging in the attention-seeking behavior.


Therapist and student are working at a table and the student notices a permanent marker. The student requests the item. Therapist says, I am sorry but you cannot have this marker. It is off limits.


Student drops to the floor and begins to cry.


Therapist says, Emily, show me waiting (while counting on his fingers to five). Student calms down. Therapist says, Thank you for calming down. Then redirects to another location. Therapist says, Emily, you can make a different choice. Would you rather have access to a book or a puzzle? Emily says, A book. Therapist says, Great choice!


Therapist says, Emily, please do number 2 on this worksheet. Therapist pushes worksheet in front of Emily.


Emily immediately puts head on desk and grunts in disgust while rolling her eyes.


Therapist ignores Emily’s head on desk while prompting her back upright. Therapist says, That is better sitting. Here you go! Student says, Fine [with attitude]. What number? Therapist says, Number 2. Student completes math problem.



Student sits alone for 10-15 seconds with no stimulation. Therapist collects data on the iPad.


Student begins to engage in self stimulatory behavior (rocking back and forth). Therapist collects data on the iPad.


Therapist notices the self-stimulatory behavior. Therapist counts to five on his hand and then redirects to another academic activity. They start doing a card program.

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